Do you heard something about that book?!
Book: "Demonic Possesion after becoming Jehovah's Witnesses"
by thomyorke 6 Replies latest social entertainment
dazed but not confused
Book Description
Publication Date: November 25, 2008 One woman alone, two children and a mysterious illness with a strange mix of symptoms that never seems to go away, this along with demonic activity in every house they live in all ensuing after becoming Jehovah's Witnesses. What begins as a mother's relentless search for help to cure her ailing son uncovers little by little what turns out to really be a case of demonic possession. This journey unfolds into even more realizations by the discovery of a frightening world that exists around us, and sometimes in us, that is capable of the destruction of lives of the innocent. Even more than that was the discovery of the criminal minds manipulating these worlds to purposely destroy people and families that are targeted for destruction.
Band on the Run
I do not believe any was demon possessed b/c of the Witnesses. Rather, the Witness belief in demons may have led her to interpret regular cirumstances as demonic.
I don't believe the Witnesses do Enochian magic b/c there is no such thing. Such types of claims make former Witnesses seem absolutely crazy.
Never let it fail, "demons" always gets my attentioin. Isn't it strange that people who don't believe in demons and find the concept even funny are never bothered.
Other Christian groups that believe in demons tell their members to never fear demons. Satan is created. God is powerful. The mere act of being Christian allows you to rebuke demons in Christ's name. This is markedly different from demons. No matter what you do, they will bother you. First, the demons seem very selective in whom they attack. Second, just as Jesus is demoted, Satan is promoted. Satan is not God's equal.
Jw doctrine, based on fear and guilt, can generate chronic illnesses in some jws. It has a lot to do w the psychosomatic powers, not demons.
What's that church famous for exorcisms?
It has a lot to do wth psychosomatic powers, not demons.
It would be reasonable to accept that any apocalyptic cult would attract people who are suffering from some form of mental imbalance .
Depression and bi-polarism is common among JWS.