Moments before the event, I enter the bathroom. My stomache is tense, the song is being played in the auditorium. I'm not so much concerned with the supposed salvation she has lost, but with how difficult it will now be to associate with her. I guess deep down I don't really care if my continued association is found out. What concerns me most is getting all these uneccesary dub thoughts and feelings expelled from my being. I've found spiritual conviction still remains, but it's more personal and real now. The biggest difference now? I feel clueless on some of the bigger realities, but at least I'm not trying to fool myself anymore! O.K., the announcement should be made any minute now...da de da da de da...account reports, arrangements, blah,blah,blah...a demonstration...OooooHHhh, how to LOVE SERVICE! Damn! 8:40, still nothing! Now sitting in the middle of the coat rack, getting back up going back to a bathroom stall, much better. G.B's encouraging letter..."yawn". More B.S. 9;01 now, what the hell? Maybe they forgot? 9:05, the meeting almost over. Is this possibly the first time in disfellowshiping history an announcements been forgotten?( I personally have never seen one made this late.) 9:09, going once...going twice...9:12, going into O.T.! Highly unlikely the announcements going to be made. DOH! 9:14, it's official! ***** ******** has been disfellowshiped! Glory to God! Well, time for me to go out and recieve fake comfort, SEE YA!
Sister Disfellowshiped! (Commentary)
by Kevinson 3 Replies latest jw friends
How well i know that feeling going to the toilet so as not to hear one of my family members had been disfellowshipped, when i suggested that i didnt want to go to the meeting to hear it my ex husband told me then that would mean i wasnt cooperating with the elders, it was so hard to sit there and hear the announcement and the "fake" comfort from the very ones who gossiped about the family member in the first place. But damn i wish i was there to hear my announcement of being disfellowshipped, lol.
Screw the elders, She is your sister. Associate freely with her and support her. Blood is thicker than water.
If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?
Kevinson - maybe this will bring you some comfort. This scripture really hit home with me and it's one of my all-time favorites.
Romans 14:4 "Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand"
I love how the second sentence says "...for the Lord is able to make him stand" - God can make us stand by Jesus' sacrifice. How awesome!! So it's pretty clear to me that someone reading a statement from the platform "**** **** has been disfellowshipped" really means nothing to God - it has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus' sacrifice for our sins. God is able to make us stand!!
I carried a lot of guilt over my disfellowshipping for years until I found this verse. I hope it helps you - just love your sister and don't judge.