To Metatron RE: WBTS tv ads

by LDH 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    Met, you said:

    I doubt the
    Society in its present financial condition could afford
    network ad rates. I'd bet that much of what you see as Witness
    commercials are low rate/ low ratings spots on local affliates.
    Television is expensive.
    To my knowledge, the ad voice over states: " A public service announcement brought to you by the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses."

    This would mean that the spots are airing FOR FREE, as PSAs. Each TV station has to run a certain number of freebee spots.

    They ain't paying for shit. That's why they get all the late night slots, when the PSAs run.

    Somebody correct me if you know different.


  • chezza

    Hi ldh, help me out here,are there witness commercials on tv?

  • LDH
  • chezza
  • Scully

    Recent Releases

    Love Your Children
    (Public Service Announcement)
    Children need a sense of security to overcome their fears, especially in times of heightened anxiety. Jehovah's Witnesses hope that the message in this public service announcement will encourage parents to take the time to listen to their children and talk to them, letting them know they are loved.
    you can view the "Public" "Service" "Announcement" (i.e., Infomercial) on the WTS's official website, under the heading "Media" (i.e., Propaganda)

    Love, Scully

    PS: It would be a good idea to keep a barf bag handy if you're going to watch it... I bet "Johnny's" picture came right out of one of the WTS publications!

  • metatron

    This would confirm what I thought about the Society's
    spots - they don't want to pay for air time.

    You might want to point out to station managers that
    the Mormon church frequently PAID to air it's 'public
    service announcements' - at least in northeast states.

    If they run in fringe programming, it's safe to assume
    that hardly anyone notices them - except Witnesses
    and 'apostates'.


  • JeffT

    If I see one of those here I'm going to go to the TV station and demand equal time.

  • LDH

    bttt for any that didn't see it.


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