I urge members to scour the archives of JWN and bump quaility info to the top
I urge members
by BlindersOff1 8 Replies latest jw friends
Define quality.
still thinking
Off you go then...
Would it be self-aggrandizing to bump the 'best of sd-7', if you will, to the top? Yes, it would be. So long as I avoid the personal threads, that could actually be a good idea. Some pretty interesting research I've done, even if a lot of it is probably just to repeat the research others have done before me.
still thinking
I feel not the urge, sorry.
But if I recall, archive threads by AlanF, Dogpatch, HillaryStep, Farkel, Littletoe, and of course, LadyLee were all good in terms of content and/or interesting dialogue. FunkyDerek and Abaddon cut to the crux of any issue with surgical precision. Many others whose names I don't recall offhand.
Jeremy C was one of the best posters here ever.
And I urge you to never bump any of my topics as they all suck. Bad.
I'm gonna go and bump Minimus' thread about Family Feud. Quality thread.