Funny story:
Every morning, I feed the cats outside. I give them dry cat food, and also two small cans of cat food. Well, I got a big tall can of cat food that I fed them yesterday morning. I usually leave the small cans on the porch, and the cats gladly clean them, and later on I place them in the recycle garbage can.
Well, yesterday morning, I left the tall can on the porch. A few minutes later, my wife and I hear a 'BANG' against the screen door. We go to look, and see one of the cats that had gotten his head, ears and all stuck inside the can. He was stumbling around trying to extricate himself from the can - with no success.
I almost fell over laughing, but my wife scolded me and said to help him (which I was going to do anyway). I calmly talked to him, and surprisingly, he stood still while I grabbed the can and pulled. It was difficult getting it off - he had filled it pretty well with his head. It came off with a 'pop'.
When I finally got it off of his head, he just sat there calmly for a bit allowing me to pet him, before he headed off for another adventure.
As he trotted away, the other cats were looking at him like, "You Idiot! That was MY can!"