'Watson' Goes To College

by metatron 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron


    Yes, "Watson", the computer system that crushed its opponents on Jeopardy, is going to college to brush up on its skills.

    Think of a future in which we are dominated by something like "Skynet" or "Colossus" - only really helpful and nice ( we hope)

    I, for one, welcome our new computer overlords. If any of you have tried "Siri" on your phone, you might be shocked at how powerful it is already. I was not aware that speech recognition software and AI algorithms had gotten so amazing.

    The world is gonna get weird soon..... and I don't mean "soon" like Watchtower soon.


  • Pickler

    You mean soon like in my "generation" soon?

  • TD
    You mean soon like in my "generation" soon?

    LOL - You guys gotta quit making me spit Diet Coke on my screen.

    Interesting link, Metatron

  • metatron

    Thanks. I witnessed someone who needed cooking information and............

    they pulled out their phone and asked it for advice. It immediately responded with relevant text information to answer them.

    I was stunned.

    This isn't ten years from now, this is now!


  • Heaven

    Well, I'm screwed then ... I don't have a cell phone.

  • John_Mann

    The IBM Watson is the first cognitive computer. It's the beginning of a new era.

    Computers now can read natural language and no just 0's and 1's.

    They can learn without someone to translate (to machine language) to them.

    The exascale (1 quintillion os calculations per second) will be reached before 2020. Now (until june 2013) the processing capacity is 33/50 peta (quadrillion), the exascale is 1000 peta. It's a long way since the 1 calculation per second with the (never built) Babbage computer in the 1830's.

    And them the computers will have the same capacity of human brain processing.

    For the first time in history, the humans will no more be the only intelligent entities in the earth.

    Truly, we no more will be the smartest guys around.

    We hope all human problems will be solved with the help of such intelligence.

    There's no impossible problems, there's only lack of intelligence to solve problems.

    What we consider impossible problems (aging and death included), to a higher intelligence it's just obvious solutions.

    More than ever the humankind is beyond obsolete. We are living times the humans are bridges and not and end.

    The only solution is to merge with technology. How we'll do this? No surgeries or painful interventions but with nanobots, foglets to be more specific.

  • John_Mann

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