I have been wondering if persons here have ever worked the same territories JWs work to create awareness to house holders? For instance, producing custom pamplets or tracts discussing the culture and demands of being a Jehovahs Witness. The doctrines and history explained in a fatual manner so that people can weigh the pros and the cons prior to accepting a bible study? I was also wondering if this is also a legal practice or can the WTS come after you for defamation?
Preaching Cult Awareness in their territories
by Emery 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'd say as long as its factual info that they can't say much right?
You could also work with the churches and senior centers in the territory.
Put together materials . Maybe a DVD/CD . Offer to give a
cult awareness seminar . Be their go to person if any member is approached
by cultists .
Start a "Do not call" movement in your area .
This is a great idea! I am one if the fortunate ones that has never been a JW but my husband has recently been lured back. Since his return, I have been studying everything that I can about the JW's and the Watchtower Society and what I have found is frightening. I am going to try everything that I can to break him free of their hold. I would love to make others aware of what the JW's truly represent. If any body wants to make a template that could be used for distribution, I would love it.
I have (and still will) deliver anti witness literature. I have used the Silent Lambs brochure as well as others and have included the cease & desist letter as well. Do I worry they will come after me? Well, do they have 2 witnesses that I was the one who put the literature out there in people's mailboxes? I think not!
They would have to be pretty stupid to try and come after somebody anyway. Too much publicity. Imagine the news story? Maam/Sir, why did you feel the need to deliver anti witness literature? Well, I just could not sit by while possible known pedophiles were knocking on my neighbors doors! Furthermore, I feel the jw's are not honest at the doors and the public should be made aware of the extreme shunning policies, broken families, etc.... and the suicidal/murderous blood policy............etc..... you get the idea.
I try to do this in an unofficial capacity with people I meet at church or coworkers, ect…
What I’m finding is that most people have no idea what a cult is or do understand mind control--heck neither did I until little over a year ago! Thus, the majority would not classify JWs as a cult. They imagine all cults are basically like Waco or Jonestown…whereas JWs they’ve met are such nice people. They imagine mind control having ones eyes forced open with hooks in a room with flashing lights and images.
I have to explain that most are nice people and completely normal about 90% of the time and that mind control is an intense form of peer pressure, while still being slow and subtle.
It would be good to dispense this information more formally. Unfortunately, I’m an introvert and it is daunting to put myself out there too much. However, this is something so important, sometimes we do have to step outside our comfort zones.
Some time ago I saw several tracts produced to counter the JW sales pitch. The sorry thing about them was they got bogged down in doctrine, so most householders would not look twice at them, just bin them as another looney religious tract, as they do with the JW ones as a rule.
The other thing was they looked really cheap and amateurish, one had several spelling errors etc , again just asking to be binned.
I think someone on JWN must the ability and talent to produce something eye catching and professional looking, that stays off doctrine or trying to trap peoiple in to another religion.
One tract that is even more pertinent had the excellent title "The Paedophile at Your door !", perhaps a simple tract that alerts the H.H to the danger, and simply directs for more information to JWSurvey.com, the Candace Conti info, and JWFacts.com
If someone is able and willing to produce something that we can download and print for ourselves it would be invaluable, ( we may need to be able to edit it ).
That way we can simply deliver tracts if we do not wish to discuss the subject with members of the public, we could even deliver them outside of our normal stamping ground if we are a fader, less likely to be caught by JW's doing it then !
I live in the US and I live in a territory that is worked a lot by JW's. I get at least 1 visit per month! No visit for Jan, though. I went to jwfacts.com and printed out a pamphlet/flier that Paul has put together and I plan to post it on my mailbox (mailboxes are all in one area). I can do this anonymously. I had been waiting for them to work this territory again as it would be fresh on peoples minds to put the information up, but think I will go ahead and do it anyway. The worst that could happen is someone would take it down. Just a thought for you I guess. Hope this helps?
In my state it is legal to put things in paperboxes not mailboxes. In less than a half hour you can certainly hit about 50 paperboxes or more depending on the area. I figure I can cover more homes in a half hour every now and again than a typical jw in a month of fs. Do it on a Sunday morning and it can right in the fold of very large newspaper, front page news! (if you are ambitious which I have not been in quite a while)