memorial ettiquette for worldy people??????

by concerned mama 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    I have been away for a few days, so forgive me if this has already been covered.

    Am I (a non JW) supposed to refer to the memorial in any way talking to a JW? For example, would I say "Happy Memorial", or could I ask if they had a nice celebration? Since it is the one and only big day each year is there some way to acknowledge it in a friendly type conversational way? Or, is it so sacred that worldly people aren't supposed to know about it?

    I didn't see any cards at the local Hallmark store?

    Help, please?

    concerned mama

    edited because I can't spell the first time i post anything.

  • Dutchie

    Attendance is the important thing. So when referring to the Memorial to a JW you ask "Did you attend the Memorial?" This statement encompasses all things in connection with the Memorial and the JW will understand that at once. JWs invite as many people as possible to their Memorial so its okay if you know about it.

  • Francois

    I'd ask if anyone actually partook of the emblems.

    I came so close to going this year and taking them. I'm going to do that one day, I swear I am.


  • JBean

    Concerned Mama... goodmorning! Your post gave me a chuckle... not because it wasn't good questions you were asking, but I could just imagine a JW's face if you said "Happy Memorial"! : ) Priceless! To be honest though, JW's don't say happy ANYTHING, except maybe happy anniversary. How weird is THAT? You can't say happy birthday but you can say happy anniversary. Totally bizarre. Jbean

  • Imbue

    Actually they would love it if you opposed them even a little. It would make their day!

    Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Thanks for your help. No doubt I would have put my foot in my mouth and said "Happy Memorial" or something, maybe "Merry Memorial"., Jesus know he is about to die, so merry would be pushing it. If I expect the JW boy I know to be pleasant and not overtly critical about our holidays, then I have to be the same about something reasonable like the Memorial. (reasonable compared to the blood issue, shunning, etc. where I am very blunt)

    It is so hard when you have to model the behavior you expect out of others. Sometimes, sarcasm is so much more fun. Sigh...

  • Hmmm

    The Memorial is a happy time. Wishing "Happy Memorial!" just after the prayers over the bread and wine is akin to yelling "Happy New Year!" when the clock hits 12:00:00. If you can find someone to kiss, that's a bonus.

    When the "emblems" get to you, you'll notice that nobody has touched them. They're saving them for you because you're new. The guest is expected to sock away a few crackers in their purse for the Memorial after-party, also. If you can bring a sealable Tupperware container for the wine, great.

    When the others finish offering the snacks, they race up front and play a game of musical chairs. They all scurry around, up on stage, down in the front row, sitting, standing. The guy who gives the talk is humming a tune in his head. When you see the first dude start to sit, hurry and grab a seat! If the guest of honor wins musical chairs he gets a special prize (don't know what it is; I never won).

    By the way, which congregation will you be attending. This I gotta see!


  • BritBoy


    You got me pissing meself laughing over your post... I had forgotten the musical chairs/dance that takes place at the end to make sure that the snacks have been "passed" to EVERYONE!!! Wooo Hooo there is a KH about a mile from me, maybe Matt and I should go and have some fun like the last visit(different KH before anyone kicks off at me again)!!!!!

    I am thinking a bottle of JD as, I shall point out, I MUCH prefer it to red wine (especially the alcohol free kind they serve). Get Matt to down the red wine and I shall fill the glass with JD, slug some back and pass on explaining that I am more than happy to share my Jack with anyone! I am also picturing some dip for the Doritos they pass around! Cheese chives and garlic dip should do the trick! Then yell Merry Passover, snog Matt, and lurch into a stirring rendition of "You'll never walk alone"!!

    Britty xxx

    "My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"

  • meat pie
    meat pie

    Hmmm, Ilove the musical chairs !

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    I did speak to my young JW friend very briefly on MSN. I think I was sort of OK, although I did joking ask if he was going to partake? Since he has been "talked to" by the elders, he certainly would cause a stir if he did. I sure don't think it is easy being a confused JW teenager.


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