Islamic Prevention Of Molestation

by metatron 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • metatron

    I still have trouble believeing that this isn't a satire from The Onion. Only a religion could come up with something so insane.


  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I could never make my kids keep socks on, I can't imagine making a baby keep a face veil in place. What a moron.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    There is a religion more ridiculous than Christianity... Its Islam. Thses people are NUTS!

    My 8 month old daughter wont even keep a head band on. Good luck with a Burka.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    While reading a two hundred year old book on ancient Islam, I ran across a frequent action some of the mothers of male babies would do to calm them down. The historian who studied the Islamic culture was surprised to see how mothers would fondle their males genitilia to calm them down from crying. Kissing the babies penis was another type of massage to show respect for the phallic.

    Many might have objections reading information contained about the sexual culture of the Middle East from times of ancient. The qoutes from these books are modern 1950s-1960s, customs are diffucult to break.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    what the males that run these cultures seem to not realize is that they make it plainly obvious to the world that they are monsters who simply have no self control. Essentially they tell the world, "seeing that we as men just cannot help ourselves you must cover up in a bed sheet otherwise we cannot be held responsable for behaving like the animals we are"

    see a woman showing her nose...must rape.

    see a baby...must molest.

    Sheikh Mohammad al-Jzlana, former judge at the Saudi Board of Grievances, told Al Arabiya that Dauod’s ruling was denigrating to Islam and Shariah and made Islam look bad. NO shit! Maybe that's because Islam IS bad.
    sometimes i wish there was a god to fry all these animals


  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Auzzie, the treatment of women in Pakistan and India is brutal.

    There is a book on how the Russian's who were captured by Afghanistani soldiers would rape the Russians until they died during the 1980s War. The Russians were shocked how evil they treated their prisoners (Russians shocked, over evil treatment? That's a conumdrum!) by gang raping the men, is it any wonder the Russians would retaliate even harder when this conduct was brought to their attention. Very sick cultures in those mountains, nobody is safe, women are afraid of being accused of being a "whore" when a horny terrorist rapes them. I hate this type of evil, I wish there was a Hell for them to burn in!

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    There was an article informng mothers not to pacify a fretful baby by touching his willy. Until I read it in their littertrash I had never heard of this practice nor would it have occurred to me to even try it.

    Once again religion and perverted sickos are partners in crime.

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