I have been out 20 plus years. Yesterday at a exercise class I met a very nice lady who, along with her husband left the same KH I attended. They left 4 years ago. Well we talked a lot, and she mentioned that the KH had been broken into and all the records on DA and DF people were taken. I am sure they had records on me and now I have no idea who has all that personal info on me. I mean it is just like trusting your psychiatrist to keep confidence but then he loses your chart. Instead of hanging on to info on members, personal information should be destroyed. Now I am worried what happened to those records. Who saw them? I have had my identity stolen at least 5 times, not fun at all, and a lot of work to get things stright again. Should i be concerned?
Should I be concerned?
by Roberta804 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In the UK there is a legal obligation for an organisation to keep personal records safe, and to destroy them after they are no longer needed.
You can enquire with the local elders about the records they kept on you.
In the UK the Data Commissioner (government depertment) can be notified if there has been a security breach and they will investigate to see what info was taken and if it was being held securely, as opposed to in, say, a file cabinet.
I understand your concern. But think about it: Who would want to steal records concerning DF'd and DA'd people?
Probably only someone that was DA'd/DF'd themselves and didn't want the KH to have any notes.
More than likely they've already destroyed all the notes and you're in the clear for ever. Probably they did you a favor.
But again, I understand your concern.
I hope that is the case 00Dad.
Simple address information can be used by identity thieves. Here in Alberta, agencies are obliged to notify people if their information might have been compromised. I don't know if the same rules apply where you are.
What if the thief uses them for blackmail purposes ?
You say you've been out for 20 years, so even if the person did get a hold of your records and started blabbing about it, when they get to you record and say "and Sis Roberta did this and that" I have a feeling that the majority of folks he would be talking to would say "who's that"? I don't know about your area, but when my mother talked about the folks in her KH and invited them over to lunch I had no idea who the majority of them were. SOme folks get reassigned to other KH's plus new people etc.
You could always write a letter to the local BOE and tell them you have become aware that their confidential files have been comprised and that if you suffer any type of damages--whether financial, emotional or otherwise--as a result of their negligence you will hold them liable, both personally and as an incorporated congregation.
That ought to scare the crap out of them!