JW showed up at my door.

by dogon 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dogon

    Its a bit weirder than the title may lead you to believe. I moved from Michigan where I was a Witness for 30 years to Arkansas and then to Kansas. A year ago I moved to Florida. Saturday I had a two men show up at my door a black and white guy with the usual suspects awake and NWT. I opened the door mentally preparing to ask the usual questions when I realized I was sure I knew the white guy. The black witness said you don't know this guy. I said I think I do, did you live in Michigan I asked. Yes he said. Did you live in Northern Michigan I asked. Yes he said, what is your name? he told me his first name and then I asked his last name he told me and I said, I thought so. He was an elder in my old congregation from years ago. I had not seen him and we actually talked for about 10 min, then he tried to go into his presentation about the devil. I cut him off as politely as I could and said I really don't have much to do with any religion anymore but thanks for stopping buy. They both seemed like it was not offensive to them. Now I will have to be a bit less or a lot less offensive when dubbers stop by. I don't need a connection to the the hall all my files are in. Its possible now to be DFed for speaking out against the cult.

    Not a problem. I have grown past the need or compulsion to rant against the cult. I am settled in my belief and under standing of why its wrong and that I don't believe in the Bible or any god.

  • Splash

    They often don't DF if you're not 'known' as a JW.

  • LouBelle

    dogon - your last 2 sentences are pretty much where I am.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    WIll be interesting to see if you now become an RV. Please keep us posted if you get future visits.

  • Jim_TX

    I liked your post.

    But - like the Terminator... They'll be back.

  • wannabefree

    What a coincidence, that must have taken you by surprise.

    Pm'd you.

  • ruderedhead

    That is crazy! Reading the first few sentences, I wondered if you might be someone I know, as the person I know also came from MI, went to Arkansas, not sure about Kansas, then to Florida. But I am in SE MI, so that is unlikely. But what a coincidence!

  • snare&racket

    Maybe 10 or 20 years ago, but i imagine they cant be arsed now.

    just be yourself, why live by ANY constraints of a religious con you now reject?

    Snare x

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