by Terry 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    Sometimes an Ox gets sick and dies.

    When your Ox dies you don't just lose an Ox.


    You lose all the money you spent on that Ox.

    You lose all the feed you ever fed it.

    You lose the time spent taking care of it.

    This includes any veteranarian bills as well.

    You can't eat the meat from a dead sick Ox either, so, you lose the meal or the sale of the meat as well!

    What about using that chain of reasoning on THE TRUTH (or so-called) of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    What happens with a teaching that gets sick and dies (is proved wrong and is changed)?

    The very instant a teaching is changed it becomes FALSE teaching automatically. (Delicately referred to as "Old Light")

    What about all the money spent on publishing that False teaching? It is wasted.

    What about all the time spent mailing it out and inculcating in into 7 million JW's worldwide? It is wasted.

    What about the sheep-like people whose doors are knocked who buy the magazines and books with the false teaching? They are misled.

    What about the risk of family, health and social standing from teaching a false teaching? Lives WASTED!

    (Note: If the JW complains that Old Light isn't "False" asked them to explain the difference!)

    The Ox and THE TRUTH have something in common when they sicken and die.

    They prove to be more than an "adjustment"!

    Everyone who eats tainted meat suffers from it.

    Everyone who partakes of the "meat in due season" which proves tainted suffers from it, too.


    Would the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society send 7 million Jehovah's Witnesses back out today with the SAME teachings or not?

    If not---ask them WHY?

    Isn't it because those teachings are now FALSE by today's standards?

    If it is false today---was it LESS FALSE back then?

    The answer is this: None of it was true. All of that activity is wasted.

    Who is responsible for this?

    The Governing Body (whose very definition itself has changed over the years!)

    The Watchtower was established when---1879? Today is 2013.

    The OX that died has been stinking up the place for a long, long time!!

  • likeabird
    What about all the money spent on publishing that False teaching? It is wasted.
    What about all the time spent mailing it out and inculcating in into 7 million JW's worldwide? It is wasted.

    What do they care? They still got us to line their pockets and kept us distracted from learning TTATT.

    Job well done in their eyes.

  • wasblind

    I'd take my chances wit an Ox. My grandfather was a farmer

    even owned a mule up until the mid sixties

    One year hail came throught and hit his tobacco

    insurance Kicked in so it wasn't a complete loss

    In the early eighties lightenin' struck some cows in a pasture

    two miles from my grandfathers farm. I hope that farmer

    had the good sense to protect his investment from a complete loss

    When it come to the WTS, I agree

    people have lost so much when the society screw in a new bulb

    It makes me think of those who died needlessly from the lack of fractions

    that are now allowed under " New Light "


  • Mum

    The borg is the first to point the finger at Roman Catholicism for the same thing! I remember a talk at the KH after it became okay for Catholics to eat meat on Friday, in which the speaker cited a cartoon showing the Devil in hell asking something like, "What am I supposed to do with all these people who are down here for eating meat on Friday?"

    I pity the GB when and if they have to meet their maker.



  • Finkelstein

    False religion pays out dividends $$$

    No wonder the WTS. is constantly screening what people are saying within the organization.

    The WTS creates their own sales representatives in how they look, how they talk, how they behave and how they personally

    support the organization in all its internal operations.

    All that money and property donated to the WTS organization does not legally have to be returned to the people who originally denoted,

    even if the denotor deems they've made a mistake in the donation.

    They are completely aware of this, in other words they can not be forced to change their doctrines for the betterment

    of the people who they are preaching to. There is no Truth in advertising placed on religions and there's very little

    governing regulator institution overseeing their actions.

    As its known there is no return or warranty policy on religions.

    There is also no up front warning to this issue as well.

  • Terry

    When an automobile manufacturer sells a product that is discovered to have defects they must RECALL that auto for repair or replacement.

    When the Watchtower Society promulgates a doctrine that is discovered to have defects they remain silent and quietly switch to the new one.

    "We were so eager to see the consumer enjoy our wonderful auto with the exploding gas tank we were perhaps a little over enthusiastic in our sales."

    Would that cut it?

    I don't think so.

  • Finkelstein

    Ralph Nader should have been appointed to over look religious institutions.

    " Jehovah's Witnesses unsafe at any speed "

    Interesting that the WTS. is now apologizing for the organization's past wrongfully bible teachings.

    Maybe they are starting to see themselves getting close to the waterfall, about to go over as they say .

  • label licker
    label licker

    And when that farmer goes to bury his animal he makes sure it's not near water sources where it could contaminate drinking water and has to be deep enough due to killer gases like anthrax or disseases. Ummm, didn't I read on Marvin Shilmers site that brooklyn got caught with burying ink containers near water sources and were fined? They should practice what they preach about making this earth a paradise or has that light changed? I'll stick with the ox too!

  • Terry

    One of THE best refutations of Governing Body claims is the existence of old publications with rancid, defective, contaminated OLD teachings.

    These were taught with utmost confidence.

    These were to be deeply held and believed no matter what.

    Yet--the are without value.

    If they are without value now so were they BACK THEN when all the JW's in the world were AGREEING it was THE TRUTH.!

  • Finkelstein

    If they are without value now so were they BACK THEN when all the JW's in the world were AGREEING it was THE TRUTH.!

    Thats a good point Terry, if the WTS were really presenting bible truths over other recognized religious organizations,

    why were those "Truths" invalid untruthful segments of information.

    There is only one honest and genuine reason for this and the answer comes in that this particular religious organization is a

    inherently corrupt publishing house at its core operations.

    People are not basking themselves in bible truths, they are being infused with adulterated commercialization

    from a religious publishing kingdom.

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