If as it were all the boy children 2 years old and younger were to be killed, why then wasnt John the baptist?
john the baptist
by ssn587 2 Replies latest watchtower bible
Amelia Ashton
Didn't the slaughter take place in Bethlehem whereas John the Baptist was in the Ephraim region of Jerusalem?
This is probably a question for some-one much more knowledgable than me but thats my 2 cents.
Bart Ehrman made a great point in one of his books. The writers were trying to show that Jesus fulfilled prophecy and was born in Bethlehem. Hence the story about the census and traveling to your home city. Stop and think about that. Millions if people all trying to find out where their ancestral home was 1000 years prior and then travel huge distances to go to a city they never lived in? No.....