Statute of Limitations on Safety Checks During Major Storms?

by rubadubdub 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rubadubdub

    I never really considered myself a fader, as I just walked away after day three of my DC in July, 2011. I was literally stalked every day (text messages, VM, cards from children of eldubs (seriously?), notes in the door, mags in the door, emails. . . you get the picture) for five full months; and then it stopped abruptly, except for the text message inquiries regarding my safety before, during and after Hurricanes Irene and Sandy (We live in a mandatory evacuation zone.)

    Now we have Blizzard Charlotte. Buried in 32 inches of snow, drifts to four feet and winds gusting over 50 mph, most in our area are without power; and it is blissfully quiet here. No inquiring eldubs! Have I crossed some magical threshold into the land of freedom? Is there some cut-off date for inactive pubs and then poof-- no more safety checks? Please tell me it is so!

    (Sorry about the font size. I can't seem to make it larger!)

  • rebel8

    What I think this proves is the first set of so-called safety checks were really re-engagement calls to a wavering customer.

    Now that you've fully disengaged, you're too much work to get back.

  • blondie

    I understood it was once the policy for the elders to make contact with inactive jws and report to the CO during his visit. My husband said the elders did not try too hard the longer people were out except to hope to catch them smoking outside as they drove by their house. As to storms, the appearance of checkin up during storms started after Katrina when the WTS realized how little the elders knew about their flock.

    It reminds me of when people were required to show their "blood card" to get a copy of the Proclaimers book. They found out how many had an old one, it was not signed, or did not have one. They cranked up the group signing parties after the book study.

    "concern" used to revolve around who went to the elder's book study. No concern was required for people in other studies. I'm sure inactive jws fall even further outside the boundary.

    I'm "inactive" and have not heard from an elder for 12 years......but then we haven't had any serious storms, floods, fires, earthquakes. You can find quotes that say inactive jws are no longer jws because they don't turn in time and others that say they are still part of the flock. Elders choose which one they want to follow since they are merely menpleasers who think that God "has left the land and he is not seeing."

    *** w93 7/15 p. 27 Tenderly Shepherding Jehovah’s Precious Sheep ***

    Inactivity in the ministry or in attending Christian meetings does not mean that the sheep is no longer part of the flock. He remains part of “all the flock” for whom the elders must “render an account” to Jehovah.

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