why I like this web site

by blindfool 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • blindfool

    I thought about posting this topic earlier today and decided not to.
    But after reading little-lamb-on-a-hill I thought, what the heck?

    Yesterday, my eight year old son had some minor surgery, nothing serious, very minor, but you know how the doctors tell you how even minor surgery can take a serious turn.

    Well, I started to imagine all the things that could go wrong and of course thought of the blood issue. What would I do if my son needed blood. Would this destroy my marriage if I allowed my son to have a blood transfusion? My wife would be getting presure from her congragation and family and I'd be there with no one understanding my thoughts.

    Then I thought, I'll just find a computer with an internet connection, go onto JW.com and let my new friends help me and comfort me. They know what its like. They know what I'd be going through.
    My son would be OK because I'd do anything I had to for him to be well.

    Well, as you guessed it, nothing happened, the surgery went great. I'm at home with him today and he's playing video games and I'm surfing the net.

    I just thought I'd let everyone know what I feel is important here. That we can talk and help each other in times of need. Thanks Simon, keep up the good work. And thanks to all my other friends out there for being there.

  • WildHorses


    I feel the same as you. Although it is not the same as having real life friends. I can always count on my friends here on JWD. When I am feeling down, they cheer me up. If i'm in a good mood I try to do the same for others.

    It's so nice to know we have friends who understand and are willing to hear us moan and groan.

    Three cheers for JWD!

    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • TR

    Hey blind,

    Isn't this great?! You can reach hundreds of people with one post. Even if they don't post a reply, you know that the person that read the post understands what a real person in a real situation is going through.

    I'm glad everything went OK for you and your son. When I was a 'hovah, and we were at the hospital for the birth of our children, the blood issue constanly invaded my thoughts. I 'm glad it never became an issue for me, even though my wife and none of her family are 'hovahs.


  • Dutchie

    Gee Blind, I am so glad to hear that you son is okay. Kids can scare the beejeesus out of you can't they? I know mine are always into something and I never know what is going to happen next. Anyway, happy that everything went fine.

  • Ranchette

    Welcome to the board!

    I am so glad things went well with your son.

    Also I'm happy that you find this website helpful.
    It's been good for me too.


  • RunningMan


    Last year, my son had emergency surgery. In the middle of the night, my wife was with the doctor, and I was with the nurses and my son, while they prepped him for surgery. The nurse took me aside and asked me to sign the release, noting any restrictions. When it came to religion, I told her that I was a Jehovah’s Witness. She said, “Oh, that means you don’t want any blood transfusions.” I told her, “That’s right, but if it becomes absolutely necessary, ask us again.” She understood completely. Thank God it didn’t come to that.

    The hospital staff seem to have a pretty fair understanding of Witness's views on blood. They also understand that many Witnesses just want to live, and will assist them to find a loophole.

    I'm glad to hear that the issue didn't really arise for you. Welcome to the site. You will find people who are just like you, here.

  • Amazing

    Thanks Blondfool: Good to know that your son did fine, and that the 'blood' issue did not come up. Is there any chance that your wife might show signs of dissatisfaction with the JW religion?

    I agree, this is a good forum, and many good people here help others all the time ... the Internet and these forums have been a blessing to ex-JWs in so many ways ...

    Hope you son will make good progress and his health will not require any more surgeries. Thanks again for relating what happened.

    Following Bible principles, we will avoid trying to live - or demand others to live - by an extensive and rigid set of dos and don'ts that go beyond the teachings of the Bible. The Watchtower, 4-15-02, pg 22, pp 15

  • Joyzabel

    Hi blindfool,

    welcome to the board! (lol)

    It is nice to know you can "connect" with other people during a crisis. This place has really helped me heal from all the deprogramming and I really feel I have true friends here. When I have to be away from a computer for several days, I always wonder how everyone here is doing and can't wait to catch up on the "news".

    I hope as time goes by you can slowly get through to your wife and kids. You display a lot of patience that I admire. Keep up the good work for you family.


    ps, maybe we can chat sometime in "live chat"! :-)

  • Francois

    "Following Bible principles, we will avoid trying to live - or demand others to live - by an extensive and rigid set of dos and don'ts that go beyond the teachings of the Bible. The Watchtower, 4-15-02, pg 22, pp 15"

    This is a perfect example of how the JWs perfectly mime their exemplar and teacher, Joseph Goebbles, the father of modern propaganda. The most blatant lie, repeated often enough, over and over again, will sooner or later be accepted as truth.

    What hucksters those bastards are.


  • Simon

    I find it's good being able to talk about things with people who understand - having to explain some of the JW hangups would be time consuming and embarrassing otherwise.

    I' glad eveything went well blindfool - Liam had a very minor op a coupld of years ago but that was quite nerve wracking.

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