I thought about posting this topic earlier today and decided not to.
But after reading little-lamb-on-a-hill I thought, what the heck?
Yesterday, my eight year old son had some minor surgery, nothing serious, very minor, but you know how the doctors tell you how even minor surgery can take a serious turn.
Well, I started to imagine all the things that could go wrong and of course thought of the blood issue. What would I do if my son needed blood. Would this destroy my marriage if I allowed my son to have a blood transfusion? My wife would be getting presure from her congragation and family and I'd be there with no one understanding my thoughts.
Then I thought, I'll just find a computer with an internet connection, go onto JW.com and let my new friends help me and comfort me. They know what its like. They know what I'd be going through.
My son would be OK because I'd do anything I had to for him to be well.
Well, as you guessed it, nothing happened, the surgery went great. I'm at home with him today and he's playing video games and I'm surfing the net.
I just thought I'd let everyone know what I feel is important here. That we can talk and help each other in times of need. Thanks Simon, keep up the good work. And thanks to all my other friends out there for being there.