Why not come visit a new exhibition and see human art as old as 40,000 years......oooh... wait a minute! That would make the bible false...woops.
Ok..... maybe you can visit and show the academics, historians, chemists, archeologists, scolars where they are going wrong! Give them your own opinion on a science they have dedicated all their life too and take a wild stab at why they are wrong. Maybe even have a go at explaining away all the ice age tools, art, materials and cave drawings all over europe. Of course your primary reasoning is that it HAS to be wrong because it contradicts the scrolls you subscribe to from the shepherds of Israel , passed on by word of mouth thousands of years ago. Now that evidence...right!! ?
You of course have no bias at all.. it is just a coincidence that the same historic scrolls you deem more accurate than all others, happens to (in your educated and trained intepretation and opinion) promise you evelasting life/heaven/ressurections/justice for all/expulsion of all your fears. There has never been a more desired product offered on sale to a human, forget Ipad 4's.... all the fears, all the wants of any human ccounted for. Some people we know and love have even been 'promised the earth'..... what else is there beyond that? But yes, the fact that these promises are within are just a coincidence to its historical authenticity over all oher evidence or science.
An exhibition indicating these written texts to be the garbled stories of shepherds, telling tales OLDER THAN THE JEWS from nearby Babylon and Egypt, must be flawed and from the devil! The dates have to be wrong, the science must be wrong, there must be a conspiracy amongst all of science just to tempt YOU, to test YOUR faith. They are all out to get YOUR religion. This just reinforces the story further right? Why would the world be against you and your beliefs? Why so much evidence proving the ancient scrolls you believe to be true as wrong..... maybe you have made a mistake, maybe you were duped, maybe the old scrlls are just BS...hang on, thats satan talking... MAYBE you ARE holding the truth and the whole world wantsto promote these lies to break your faith and commitment to the ancient deity of the tribe of Judah!!! Yes those well spoken, kind (acting) people at those free museums are doing the work of the devil! All that time and effort, all those exams at university, all those experiments and published papers (peer reviewed)... all that just so they can make stuff up that happens to prove your scrolls false and persecute you for your beliefs by offering this....'evidence'! Well HA ! They haven't fooled you !
Don't forget to give a cheeky grin when they quote dates at you, it will make them upset, after all, despite being a window cleaner/painter/plumber/joiner/office admin staff/ (shop) assistant/manager of a small business/ unemployed (pioneer).... you just know you are right, to you 'half-lifes' are games you had to play in secret because they had guns in them.... and radiating atomic thingamy bobs all sounds a bit vague and star treky, so skip past all the "science" and "eperimental data" and go straight to the classic:
" But... [smirk] science once believed the earth was flat ha ha ha ha. while the bible said it was a sphere!" Wow you got them evil bastards now !
(Lets ignore that the egyptians knew it was round and even worked out its circumfrance to three decimal points before 'Job' even existed).
Remember the scrolls from the desert are true and the final say on all things religious, scientific and historical!
Okie dokes, to LONDON baby !!!!
Possibly made by Adam, or an Ice man, you decide !
By the way, pharmacological doses in medicine are worked out via the same scientific method i.e. the half life of a substance, its rate of decay etc. Every time you pop a painkiller (paracetemol) you put your life in the hands of this science. Bioavailability, i.e. how much drug is in your blood depends on the same science. Let's hope that those who dent it open a textbook and give in to reason before they need the chemotherapy.
I assume the fact that the dead sea scrolls were dated via the SAME method, may just make them contemlate the quandry they are in, if nothing else does.
Ps. Before someone comes and spurts crap about carbon..we now date items using over 32 different atoms, drop the christian pseudoscience from the 80's its over 30 years old now and it was bull crap then ------- or was it 30 years ago?.... [twighlight zone music]
Snare x