Does Satan approve of Jehovah's Witnesses' understanding of "proper hate"
by I_love_Jeff 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
God so LOVED the World, that he gave his only begotton son so that anyone who believed in Him can have everlasting life.
The "Hatred" in the WT is about not showing compassion, not forgiving, not reaching out to those in need, not feeding the hungry,clothing the naked or visiting those in prison, or helping a stranger beside the road. No Good Smaritans ?
WT hatred is about ignoring the suffering of others and feeling self righteous about it.
Satan is the mastermind behind the Jehovah's Witness religion. That's why they preach hate through their shunning, preach human sacrifice through their blood doctrine, and preach lies through the theocratic warfare teaching. They have their own brand of spiritism and channel. Satan's hand prints are ALL OVER this denomination.
It gives me the creeps to think I was born and raised in it!
Cheeeeshh, you guys! Lay of poor old Satan. People are too quick to blame him for their troubles.
And now you're saying he's the brains of this JW outfit. Not even poor old Satan is THAT evil!
Far from it actually. He's just a funny old bloke who lives in shack in the country trying to raise a few goats. Now will you all stop giving him a hard time?!!
I think Hatred exists at Bethel, among the Governing Body(I bet some of those guys hate each other), I saw COs who hated each other and elders and pioneers with poisonous hatred too.
I think it was "Billy" who said "The stones could cry out with the good news but humans are suppose to love!" They really think Jehovah is stupid, he is blind and does not see their evil actions they committ against their fellow witnesses. If you do enough field service on Saturday and Sunday, you can cheat,lie, rob, fornicate, steal and hate who ever you want!
Satan actually hates certain things--that is, things which are bad for us. Satan hates slavery, torture, and senseless killings (especially when designed to destroy the truth), and those perpetrating them. Satan also hates when the angels attack us and then blame Him, extorting more out of us. Plus, Satan hates dishonesty and willful stupidity. (And those who willfully perpetrate them.) All those things which have held back the human race or are designed to plunge us into the Second Dark Ages, Satan hates.
Satan Hates all the Admin Jobs