"THE THIRD GENERATION PHENOMENA WITH RELIGIOUS FOLLOWERS" Decent Article Why We Third and Fourth Generations Feel Weird.

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    1st Generation like Russell and the gang were beating the streets looking for converts.

    2nd Gen "trying to hold onto the gains the first Generation made, I think the Second Generation actually produced more in our religion.

    For 3rd Gen, read the the rest of the article, it's interesting.

    http://www.crivoice.org/thirdgen.html "historians and sociologists have observed an interesting trend that occurs with groups of people, or in communities, or even in families. It is called the phenomenon of the third generation..."

  • zeb

    Pleaase correct me if this is wrong. I read on line that the man who ran amok in the newtown school was a third generation jw.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    I have not run across that information, I think our search team on JWN would have uncovered that story a month ago. We have the best JW News Team in the world on JWN!

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    I was wondering if we could look at Mormons with their sixth and seventh generation members to see how motivated they are religious wise. The Watchtower Movement was not meant to last more than Seventy Five to One Hundred Years. Their own method of dating, printed materials stated their work woud be over by the end of the 20th Century. How does the Watchtower justify it's existence now?

    The Watchtower and Governing Body have no reason to exist any longer. They were very clear with their argument they would disappear by the end of the 20th Century, so why are they still printing literature? All logical and coherent reasoning prove, they are no longer relevant or valid in our World. Their season in the Sun is now over, still they are growing in numbers but the confusion of why they exist is growing too.

  • hoser

    This happens often too with the financial well being of families. first generation starts in poverty and has modest success. Second generation takes that wealth and builds a mighty financial empire. Third generation lives the easy life and squanders it all and fourth generation has nothing.


    Corporations too usually have a life span of under 100 years

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    How many Generations are left for the Watchtower Society? I do not see how we had a contingency plan for more than five generations before people start thinking it's all a hoax!

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Will this religion make it to the 22nd Century and will they change the doctrine that "We all go to heaven and Christ's Rule starting in 70 CE?"

    Pretend it's the year 2089 and you are at the Circuit Assembly, what's the lead scripture for the day? What are the talks on? Is 1914 talked about anymore? Do sisters now have the right to teach from the platform?

  • Fed-up

    How many more generations??? There has only been one, very long, very tired, very "overlapping" generation. Sigh.

  • sir82
    Pleaase correct me if this is wrong. I read on line that the man who ran amok in the newtown school was a third generation jw.

    It's wrong.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    The "Overlapping Generation" now allows the Watchtower Society to go into the 22nd Century without anyone asking where is the Big A?

    Why the urgency to place magazines when everything is going digital? The Watchtower Society can send out billions upon billions of spam letters saying:

    "YOUR RICH FATHER IN HEAVEN HAS LEFT YOU A FORTUNE" Please contact the information below to receive more on how you are eternally rich!

    Will the Watchtower Society allow women to preach from the platform if the rivers of men disappear? I read where women are becoming more aggressive due to environmental issues and men are becoming more lady-like from estrogen and chemicals in the water. The filtration systems can't remove all the hormons and anti-biotics from our drinking water.

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