If anyone can get 630 CHED in Edmonton, the daughter is on the radio right now on the Dave Rutherford Show right NOW. She is being interviewed and is speaking very plainly. She definately is not informed of correct information on all the issues, or more correctly she won't see any other viewpoint. She is a well spoken young lady.
calgary girl on the radio NOW
by concerned mama 9 Replies latest watchtower medical
concerned mama
Here is the website, but they aren't streaming the show today. They also are not taking any questions for the girl, but people can phone in and discuss it on air I believe, just not with her. the phone number is on the website.
Oh good, some one who knows something is on the air now. Is it one of you?
darn i missed it!
I wonder if it would be possible to get a tape or transcript of that interview?
Love, Scully
concerned mama
To summarize:
The young lady spoke well. Dave Rutherford briefly mentioned that some things were agreed upon as part of her appearance on his show, which makes sense as there is no point in having anyone attack her personally at all. She is under enough stress. She obviously is very devout and does not have an open mind at all. It appeared to me that she knew how to talk around certain subjects, and without stating that she had been coached, she certainly knew that that some things were not to be mentioned. She has had 12 transfusions and said she was feeling not too bad considering, which is good. She still feels "raped" about the blood transfusions and depressed because of the disease and that she has no freedom of religion or choice. She wants an alternate treatment in the US that uses stem cells rather than blood. Stem cells were OK because they were precursors to blood, not blood themselves. That is splitting hairs to me, but whatever. She said that her JW lawyer assured her that all the considerable costs would be taken care of (not by our provincial health care, either, I am fairly sure). I think that there is to be more meetings with a judge later today to clarify some issues and decide on her further treatment, and information will be released later on what happens.There is no doubt that she is an intelligent, polite young woman. I can see why she normally could be considered a mature minor.
I my opinion, in this case, maturity should involve the ability to examine and evaluate new information independently. She lacks this, but then so do many 50 year olds.Thanks to whoever the very well informed man who spoke after her. He presented a calm explaination of the controversy regarding the blood issue. He and one other person who I missed spoke, and then they moved on to another topic.
She wants an alternate treatment in the US that uses stem cells rather than blood. Stem cells were OK because they were precursors to blood, not blood themselves.
Feel silly bumping this because of how long ago it was posted, but I was reading through the history of the situation and found this - LOL!
Does she know, I wonder, where stem cells come from??? ROFLMAO!!
Xander F
(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
--George Santayana -
She actually just made the Judge's decision so much more right.
She admitted in so many words, that she is refusing blood transfusions becasue the Watchtower tells her too. She will take stem cell therapy becasue the Watchtower says it is okay.
So she is not exercising a choice or a conscience issue. Her consent is NOT informed just like the Judge says.
Way to go Canada!!!!
The watchtower says stem cells are okay? REALLY? That's simply amazing, considering their position on abortion....
(somehow, in all my time in the org, I never caught this. Course, it's cause I never gave the blood issue much thought....)
Xander F
(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
--George Santayana -
Please vote in the poll here:
630/CHED Question of the Day
Should "Mia", a 16 year old Calgary girl, be forced to undergo blood transfusions ordered by the courts when it goes against her religious beliefs?
No -
Results thusfar:
Yes : 67.47%
No: 32.53%
Total Votes: 83
630/CHED Question of the Day
Should "Mia", a 16 year old Calgary girl, be forced to undergo blood transfusions ordered by the courts when it goes against her religious beliefs?Yes : 68.24%
No: 31.76%
Total Votes: 85