Just a question to elicit comments on a thought I had never considered before.
R.T. France, writing in the NICNT commentary on Matthew says (about the last supper), "In breaking the bread he [Jesus] symbolizes his own death . . ."
France seems to indicate that there is some symbolic significance to the breaking of the bread. He doesn't go into any more detail. And, of course, the bread had to be 'broken' for all to partake of it. But it is interesting that Jesus does the 'breaking' rather than let each disciple break off a piece.
There is very little detail in the gospel accounts concerning this. It doesn't say he broke it into 12 (or 11) pieces. It only says he broke it.
I know that at the KH there is no significance associated with 'breaking the bread.' Often, if not always, the bread is already broken into a number of pieces before the meeting starts.
I was just polling for thoughts to see how others viewed this aspect of the Lord's Evening Meal or if any had any more info about this.
Thanks for any comments.