My dad is turning a milestone number this month and decided he needed to celebrate a bit so the wife and I are putting together a birthday party for him. Two of my siblings are JWs and 1 is not; nor is dad. Invited everyone to the celebration and of course got the "we don't celebrate birthdays" RSVP. Which got me thinking. I do know JWs celebrate births of new babies, ie. baby showers. Aren't baby showers just a different name for having a birthday party/celebrating the birth of a child? Is it just me or is that a bit hypocritical? How is a baby shower any different than a birthday party? If we had called it celebrating 75 years of dad's life vs 75th birthday party they would have attended? LOL
birthdays and baby showers
by wizardca 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
We always had baby showers fot the pregnant ladies. We treated it more like a housewarming party I guess. Though when you say it, it does seem like kind of the same thing.
When I was a JW, I remember my mom pointing out to me the inconsistencies in JW behavior about birthdays and holidays and having showers for sisters. She also pointed out that this was an organization in which no one was supposed to be above anyone else, but that everybody went into slave mode for the Circuit Overseer, District Overseer, and other hierarchical VIP's.
Ironically, after I had "apostasized" myself for a few years, my mom became a JW. She was smart enough to wait untill she was too ill for field service. She was such a good self promoter that the JW's visited her regularly, sent her flowers, brought her food, and even took turns caring for her when necessary. She was as servile as anyone with the CO and the DO, too.
I will give my mom credit for one thing: she did not shun me. She did not live in the area where I lived when I was a JW, so she did not inform her JW friends of my "apostate" status. She didn't even like me, rarely gave me any positive feedback or approval, and had very little good to say to me, so it means a lot that she did the right thing after she got old and helpless.
that is I believe one of the biggest hypocrisies ever!....
they celebrated graduation parties to HONOR the person....taking them gifts etc...
they use wedding rings and a white dress for the bride...and both are pagan!
they say don't smoke because cigarrettes have nicotin, a drug that is "addictive"...but they don't know that Big Macs, Sodas and any other processed food has Aspertame which has also been proven to be an addictive substance...yet they turn a blind eye...
religion overall is a huge hypocrisy!!!
You can only celebrate the 1st birthday , all the rest are not allowed. I'm sure that MUST be in the bible somewhere.... right ?
ha ha ha ha
@Scary21 exactly!
A birthday is just an anniversary of one's day of birth. Wedding anniversary celebrations are allowed though.
People get beheaded at birthday parties, right?
That never happens at baby showers.
Thus baby showers are perfectly OK.
Another nugget of impeccable logic brought to you by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.