How Many Members Where In Your Kingdom Hall, How Many Did You Personally Know, How Many..

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    We are told over and over "Jehovah's Witnesses have the most perfect Spiritual Paradise available in this Mans imperfect system!" This thread is dedicated to all those talks and Watchtower Lessons we had to endure listening to the lie "Everyone in the Kingdom Hall would die for you!"

    What was the number of people attending your kingdom hall and how many of them displayed love and joy? Were they there for you during a personal crisis? How many of the members attending your kingdom hall showed up when you started to fade? We given these great illustrations about the Society being "The Greater Jesus Christ" and they fail terribly, when it comes to knowing where all their sheep are. When was the last time anyone checked on you are your kids? Kids if you are here, did the wonderful elders allow you to walk out of the Kingdom Hall without ever asking "why did young sister or brother so-and-so stop coming?" I think they desire to look for the long lost brothers or sisters, if they become addicted to drugs or booze, than they can count endless hours on a "Time Slip" to make themselves look good!

    This religion is starting to flop like a tiny windless trout I pulled out of pollution infested stream. I took the liberty to change some of the lyrics the Circuit Overseer's little motivation pre-field service mantra, he would rap. I think he thought he was a Anthony Robbins or Dale Carnegie, Ken Blanchard type, use your imagination and you can relate.

    "Look up, look down, to your left and to your right!

    cause dah brothers and sisters are holding you tight!

    Love is deep when your in the Org, Love is devoid

    outside in dah World! Don't let a pedophile stumble your joy

    because Revelation 21 say's your tears will be no more!

    Your elders and pioneers are holding up your yoke, this

    we are told is not a big joke! The faithful slave loves to make more

    rules, to prevent Jehovah's people from going to school. Evil and harm

    await all who disobey, the loving guidance from Momma Org!

  • LouBelle

    we had about a 100+ in my actual congregation - Windermere, I also knew it's sister congreagion - Morningside very well and they had 100+ memebers. I knew most of them by name and association. I was the one always throwing parties and inviting everyone. That being said they all fled when I started questioning, no one stood by me, no one came and showed any love. I was accused and lied about ..... by my own family. No regrets that I left that dump.


  • designs

    LouBelle- That describes my experiences. Good people (except some bad apples and they were really bad). We threw the BIG Parties at our place, dinner parties, camping trips, sleep overs for the kids in the Hall and our kids.....and then I wrote a few Letters to the GB and Writing Committee and the fire-storm started and the Marking and Shunning and it was time to exit.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    There were about 50 people associated with the hall I attended. I knew every single person by full name, I knew where all the regular attendees lived (there were a couple of people who only came once or twice per year and I didn't know where they lived). I knew a lot about each person - whether they had other family in the borg, whether they were born in or converts, where they worked. Despite all that, only 2 people ever called me when I quit attending meetings - one elderly brother and one sister my age.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    You can be in a Congregation with 150 people and spend 18 hours a day helping them, once you are of no use to these parasites they will disappear!

    LouBelle Sister, the Jehovah Witnesses complain there is no cohesion or members are not loving. I use to throw parties and waste money for gathering, it ends up the complainers are the first to come to the party and never do they try to get the congregation together for any event. Loubelle, what kind of party did you throw? We tried games, bbq, "Chivo Enterado" under ground Pig by a professional cook. They were ungrateful skates who really never game a dam about anyone but themselves! Two people checking up on you after all you did, that's the true religion my sister Lou belle!

    I found Jehovah's Witnesses compared to Mormons are super selfish. I was invited to Mormon gatherings by friends who were trying to get me to jump ship to their religion. Qcmr might elaborate on the Mormons ability to create fun and socializing with their members. I know JWs do have their private gatherings of worshiping Bacchus! I won't judge them for drinking if they don't bother me for smoking my

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