A Challenge: Better This Catchcry: "2020 HALLS WILL EMPTY"

by steve2 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    On another thread, Stay Alive Til 2020, Caliber persuasively reasoned that, by 2020, there will have been a significantly even-greater trend of decline in publisher numbers.

    The statistical workout Caliber provided to support this assertion is impressive and I can only say "Wow! I want to stay tuned!" Quite apart from the fact that the latest report showed that worldwide memorial attendance shrank by a massive 200,000 plus, there's been accumulating evidence for years that numbers of publishers in many Western countries - to say nothing of the embarrassingly shrinking numbers of publishers in Japan - are stagnating if not shrinking. It's pretty dead out there in the Western world!

    Another poster thought the phrase "Staying Alive Till 2020" wasn't catchy enough and certainly does not roll off the tongue and into the memory bank as well as that old one loved by JWs in the early 1970s" Stayin' Alive Til '75". I agree.

    So, in the interests of generating a phrase that captures the central thesis of Caliber's "thesis", I contribute the following phrase:

    2020 Halls Will Empty

    It readily rolls off the tongue and could even be part of a jingle.

    Can anyone better that phrase?

    In the meantime, I'm not sweating. I'm off to McCafe for an espresso and read of the newspaper - where I am increasingly likely to spy witnesses who nowadays have such lovely long breaks from field service - another harbinger that the organization is not so much lumbering as slumbering its way to even steeper decline.

    Remember you heard it here first: "2020 Halls Will Empty"

  • cantleave

    Leaving a plenty till 2020

  • gma-tired2

    LOVE IT May you be right cantleave yours is great too.

  • Gopher

    They won't have a penny by 2020.

  • Apognophos

    2020 HALLS WILL EMPTY sounds good to me, or maybe the more explanatory "By 2020, Halls Will Be Empty". Personally I think 2020 is over-optimistic, but let's hope.

  • CADSkin

    2020 Hindsight... The year the light was too bright!

  • steve2
    Personally I think 2020 is over-optimistic, but let's hope.

    Perhaps. So how about we tweek it and turn it into a chant "2020 Empty/Empty"? As with a lot of my optimism, I blame the caffiene...

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