Jehovah's (Witnesses) STUMBLERS

by Terry 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    If you have influenza you shouldn't be going door to door deliberately infecting others.

    If you have a screwy false idea keep it to yourself don't teach it to your kids.

    If you think you have the only true religion--but--your religion keeps changing their "truth" maybe you should GET A CLUE!

    Jesus warned about stumbling his "little ones." He used the word "Woe".

    Maybe the 7 million witnesses should get a tattoo on the back of their door-knocking fist that reads: WOE!


    The things that have ALREADY BEEN taught door to door have been wrong---updated---revised---adjusted and REcycled more than a few times.

    You can revise a doctrine but you can't undo the DAMAGE already done!

    Jehovah's STUMBLERS have been stumbling "little ones" almost from day one. Each decade absolute Truth had been advertised and peddled door to door.

    The blowback of all that effort has been a pervasive FRAUD and silent half-hearted apology.

    When President of the Watchtower Society J.F.Rutherford predicted 1925 would bring the resurrection of the faithful dead back to life THAT PREDICTION FAILED.

    Was he sorry he misled people? Did he apologize? Was he concerned he had caused OTHERS to spread the same ridiculous idea and reassure and argue with householders that it was TRUE?


    Anointed spirit-led Rutherford only thought of HIS OWN EMBARASSMENT: "I made an ass of myself."

    That says it all, doesn't it.

    Rutherford INVENTED the name of this very often wrong religion: JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES.

    It would be accurate to rename it JEHOVAH'S STUMBLERS.

    Just think how many honest-hearted sheeplike and humble "little ones" have had their heart broken by misleading teaching!

    WOE be unto them!

  • Ding

    For JWs the phrase "the truth" covers over the fact that much of what the WTS promoted throughout its history was false.

    Sorry... not false -- just "old light."

    Another thought-stopping phrase...

    The fact that millions of people were taught doctrines and prophecies that have been abandoned is irrelevant to most JWs.

    Unity at all costs...

  • cptkirk

    You know how it used to be in our military where people who were super gung-ho would get promoted and then it started to get out of hand? (hence the character Frank Burns on MASH) ... in the sense that they realized a lot of wackos could just act super gung-ho and that would be all that they needed (as long as adequate minimal intelligence was present), to get a high rank and a comfy position? of course it dawned on the military that this was a problem and they began to correct it.

    the problem with the jws is now 30-40 years later, they are still promoting all the gung-ho wack jobs and assigning them divinity. i'll just stop typing right there because i think the point is clear

  • prologos

    Kpt Kirk: in military units from my home town, the smart thing was to find the "gung-ho" " no fear" "courageous" (from the word Coeur=heart in French) recruits and

    avoid them like the pest. (your first job as a soldier is to come home to your family) free from the cult.

    They , the fanatical fighters, will get you and themselves killed.

    Courage is the inability to see, comprehend the danger, and WT BtS adherents bumble and stumble (others) because of that.


  • cptkirk

    sounds like good advice; i wasn't in the military but many in my family were. I think that my point with that regard was more geared to the officer types, the ones that go to college to be in the military (ie. the frank burns) more than the soldiers themselves. i would imagine if you went into the military now as a soldier and had the whole old school gung-ho thing going they would probably put you in a straight jacket.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    I agree totally the Watchtower book publishers have been doing for decades what some rogues have been doing lately in Europe flogging something which isn't what it says on the label. I am referring to the selling of horse meat as beef.

    The brothers in Brooklyn have been serving up horse instead of beef and telling us it will be good for us in the form of the Watchtower and Awake.

  • WTWizard

    The worst part is the requirement that the members believe, abide by, and teach the bad doctrines until the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger itself fixes it. Or, as is usually the case, creates an even bigger mess--then the congregation has to abide by and teach the even worse teachings. That, not just the faulty teachings themselves, does most of the damage. If people were encouraged to cross-reference the validity and accuracy of these doctrines using independent sources, that would limit the damage a bad teaching could do since it would soon be exposed and fixed.

  • Terry

    The fiction hangs heavy in the air supply at Bethel.

    The workers breath it in and breath it out.

    The context is carefully framed in rusted iron: Jehovah is working through us.

    Everybody proceeds AS THOUGH that fiction is proved.

    It isn't proved. It has been refuted. Again and again it has been refuted.

    Jehovah would have to be a pixie an imp and a jester hellbent on tricking the unwitting in order to WORK THROUGH Jehovah's Witnesses.

    The evidence is in. This stuff is phoney. This stuff is putrid. This stuff is like a diaper: it has to be changed often!

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