THE TRUTH is like a diaper. This is why they change it so often.
The older truth is like the older diaper. That is why it isn't good for anything.
New Light is like the fresh diaper. It won't last long. You'll smell the difference shortly.
THE TRUTH is a receptacle for what the Governing Body produces daily. Just like a diaper.
This makes the work of the Governing Body disposable.
It is very important that the GB gets it out. The problem is they want us to handle it before it is disposed of.
JW's all over the world try to get rid of it door to door as fast as they can.
They offer the dirty diapers in neighborhoods in all nations.
Do you really wonder why so few householders refuse it?
We are the folks who dared to think the awful thought: "Something smells."
We are the folks who dared speak the words, "Do you smell something too?"
We are the folks who went into the Kingdom Hall library and saw the stacks of dirty diapers and wondered why they were so full of shit!
We don't have to smell it anymore.
And they call us the one's who are mentally diseased!
Ha ha ha ha haha