EX- San Diego mayor gambled away One BILLION remorseful.

by jam 6 Replies latest social current

  • jam

    Maureen O Connor was the first female mayor of

    San Diego, but when she left public life she spent

    countless hours seated in front of video-poker machine.

    Miss O Connor skimmed more than 2 million from a charity

    founded by her late husband.

    Over a nine year period, she wagered an estimated ONE

    Billion (yes billion) including millions.

    This is a person that needs the borg.

    Los Angeles Times Feb. 14, 2013..

  • Iamallcool
  • Hortensia

    Isn't that interesting? I remember her. Had some brief dealings with her sister while Maureen was mayor.

  • Hortensia
  • DesirousOfChange

    This is so why we need Jehovah's Kingdom.


  • kurtbethel

    She's a politician, she should put a better spin on it than the brain tumor gambit, or the "grief gambling" dodge. How about this: she was contributing to the local economy of county reservations. It sounds much better.

    I have known gamblers, and they must have whack brain chemistry. They get jonesing for a fix. They remind me of meth addicts. You have to watch them or they will steal from you to get a fix. No respect at all.

  • Tater-T

    when the show intervention came out ... it was amazing how vicious and violent the gambling addicts could get..

    I remember one who berated his Mom to give him money for his rent .. which was true... then, when he got the money , he realised he could gamble it get the rent money and extra money for him self.. he lost it all..

    gambling addiction is placing the bet for the high... It's like buying crack As the high.. and not doing it.. and buying it again.. at least with drugs .. you are on the drugs for awhile till you buy more ..

    not that any addiction is good or better .. but gambling is worse than most know.. the quickest finacial ruin..

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