What are the basic teachings of JWs on the Lord's supper?
What do JWs teach about the Lord's supper?
by ecuador 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That only the anointed can partake of the emblems since the new covenant is for them only.
The Jehovah's Witnesses honor the Lord's Evening Meal at a Memorial service every year. They work at authenticity to the point of serving naturally fermented wine (not sparkling), and bread made without yeast. Oddly, nobody partakes, silently passing the wine and the bread. As for why, you have to understand the two-class Christianity of the Jehovah's Witnesses, where a small group of "anointed" partake, and the great majority, the "other sheep", do not. Here is a sample of the public talk given on the occassion of the memorial.
So as a never JW, what do the JWs teach about these new "partakers"? Are they part of the 144,000, or are they starting a new 144,000, or did some of the original 144,000 get kicked out? Just wondering.
The new partakers are suspected as mentally unstable, this was printed in the Watchtower magazine.
"Look but don't eat or drink cuz it's not for you" about sums it up.
Suraj Khan
I suspect the "new partakers" are an invention to mask just how few of the original partakers are left. It was drilled into our heads that the generation of 1914 would 'by no means pass away', and the anointed was representative of this generation.
Surely I wasn't the only one to infer that the steadily decreasing number of partakers meant Armageddon was ever closer. I wonder how many of that group is still alive? A dozen? None? That would be damning indeed.