There has been a lot of talk about Jw suicides here after the Oregon thing. Well here is a real story from last year about a family member of mine.
My aunt was a missionary for as long as I can remember. She and my uncle left to serve abroad when I was young. They served for many years then came back to be travelling overseers for the Spanish speaking congregations.
They were the real deal. They had nothing. One could honestly say they were truly devoted to Jehovah (and/or the WTS). During the time my mother was DF'd, then reinstated, then did a quick fade. I left a few years later.
We were of course outcast with only occasional attemps to bring us back in. We would get word that my aunt was battling some illness but that her faith was still strong. Details were scarce. Little did we know that she was also battling depression. For how long I dont know, but I am sure her treatment for many years was only scriptures, prayer, and more Watchtower.
The last time I saw my aunt was at my grandmothers funeral. The family all assembled at a neutral location and we did actually talk to each other. My aunt hugged me and began to cry. There was this strange look in her eye, something you notice but dont understand at that exact moment...
Well if only we could have takled to her, away from the other witnesses. Could we have just talked, to find out what was going on, with no critisism or judgement, no tracts or helpful WT articles to point out, no bullshit, I wonder.
So not long after that I was called by my stepfather to advise me that my mothers sister had committed suicide.
So we are at the funeral. I was wondering about the method of her demise because I was not told and did nodt really want to ask. I needed to know and I found out.
She had gotten away from my Jw relatives whom She and my uncle lived with, taken a car up a nearby canyon, doused herself with gasoline and...well lets just say one must be in a lot pain to choose that way to go out.
Needless to say I was stunned. No matter what method one chooses to kill oneself the end result is the same but this was horrible. What could drive someone to it? There are many unanswered questions. This was the wife a prominent brother here. The thing was very sudden and the funeral talk was mostly about her battle with lupus and then the usual attempt to use the opportunity to preach to the audience. I spent most of the time outside with my 1 year old.
I did not write this for sympathy for myself so send no regets. I was sad more for my mother than myself. It is over and done. That page was written. The only thing left to do is learn from this. If this can happen to such a prominent one who had served God her entire life then what exactly does that mean?
May you rest in peace Christina.