Confrontation of Needed Worldwide Church of God apologies

by Gayle 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle

    Now their Church is so splintered it is hardly recognizable anymore anywhere.

    Most of these are amazingly similar to those necessary by the WTS, of which they also will never apologize for either.

    Interesting, how a very strong 'end-times' religion can go down eventually.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Well, it's nice to know we're not the only ones who fell for that load of crap.

  • applehippie
  • caliber

    I think apologies makes sense but taking responsibilty means huge lawsuits....

    such as the blood issue and pedofile issue... self-preservation trumps everything it seems , sad but true

    a very intesting lists of apologies... mainly summed up with the word overbearing

    This one really jumped out at me because it was control of thinking and freedom that created all...

    We apologize for condemning you by implying that free speech and self-esteem are concepts inspired by the Devil.
  • Phizzy

    I am sure that any move like this by the WT will never happen. They will never apologise.

    If, hypothetically, it did, it would spell the end of the WT, the only reason many are still in is because of the cock-sure certainty evinced by the GB, once that is gone, nothing in the way of faith and belief in the GB is left.

    Without faith in the GB the R&F JW's are in arudderless boat with a bloody great hole in the bottom.

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