at 57:50 he just starts diving into jws out of no where. gotta give the guy credit at least, he really got ahead of the game because this video is pretty old.
Don't hear Jws mentioned in the grand conspiracies often
by cptkirk 5 Replies latest social entertainment
Egyptology was a main theme for early WT writings and the 'Wings of Isis' are embossed in gold on the covers of the early books, I have one, an original copy from Russell's day and it goes on and on about Pyramids, with illustrations, I should scan it and post it here, unless thats just old news.
CPYKirk interesting .... isn't this as so many on here, have suspected
and questioned.
Strangely when they do ...quickley some jump on here
and "pour cold water" on it and deny the connection with
The MASONS and illuminatti!
What does everyone else think about this vid?
go ahead scan it. might be old news but sometimes you find something out that you may have missed before.
Aussie Oz
interesting subject that maybe one day i will look at more, for now it just seems to far out.
if the free masons were/are going to be the new world oder i would surmize that are well past their use by date.
Out here in country australia, one towns freemason lodge is nothing but a historical display in a museam, in my little town its few old men farmers who mostly are drunk a good portion of the time and dont even have a meeting place other than a comunity hall...
Jehovah`s witnesses are only important to themselves , to the rest of humanity they are an insignificant irratation that knocks on your door when you are trying to have a sleep in.