Im picking an Italian from the North, i just dont know his name. If i get this right, im of course the new Messiah(tm).
1/Who does God want to be his representative on earth ?
2/Who is the new anti-christ ?
by mP 9 Replies latest social current
Im picking an Italian from the North, i just dont know his name. If i get this right, im of course the new Messiah(tm).
1/Who does God want to be his representative on earth ?
2/Who is the new anti-christ ?
same as it has been "satan"
I`m thinking of applying for the Job..
I get a Nice House,Snappy Shoes,I`ll change the name of the PopeMobile..
I`d make a dam good Pope!..
............................ ...OUTLAW
the next pope will be of european nobility. he will say things and sign things. he will be a douchbag like any other religuous leader. for the holy spirit has spoken thru me.
Cardinal Assis is hoping for a Latin American to be elected. The retiring Pope said in his last sermon that God told him to 'climb a new mountain..of prayer and meditation'. You would think with the guilt on his conscience a little more than 'prayer and meditation' would be required.