This is just a few things interesting that happened to me yesterday while waiting in the ER.
I'm fine other than a minor concussion and being sore from tripping over my cat yesterday and face planting into the corner of the wall.
So anyway I had to wait about 6 hours in the waiting room and while I was there, there were these two Hispanic women going around the room asking people if they wanted a "tract" on Jesus, they didn't know English all that well and I couldn't really see the cover of the tract or anything, but the one woman who approached me had what looked like a bible. Of course I couldn't see what bible it was. If I wouldn't have been suffering with a concussion and could think better, I would have inquired on if these women were JW's or not. It was weird because they were dressed in street clothes and it was around lunch time. I'm wondering if these were two fine upstanding sisters out preaching on their lunch break? They went up to everyone in the waiting room then left.
The other interesting thing was.....It's been many years since I've had to go to the ER, I'm thinking it's been about 10 yrs. So, once I'm finally called back, I had to start filling out some paperwork. Basic stuff like my ethnicity, primary language...etc. Then on the next page it's asking about my beliefs. There is a huge list of personal questions about my beliefs..etc. I get to the last section and it asks for my "religion" there is Jewish, Hindu, athisist...etc on the list and then I elbow my husband and point to "Jehovah's Witness"....Let's just say I felt great checking the box for Christan!!!! I knew I wasn't going to be needing a blood transfusion (BT), but it still felt great for the first time in my life NOT having to ID myself as Dub! And knowing I would have a better chance of living...that is IF I would have never needed a BT...because I could accept life saving treatment.
I felt good about that.
P.S. Please over look my grammer and spelling, I am still suffering with a concussion.