I wonder about using that as the very first point , and only point, made to the Elder/s who question you about your "problems".
Leaving matters until a JC is convened is way too late, at that point the Elders have to get some resolution.
But if you wish to not be forcibly DA'd or DF'd, why not try that ? Like this ?:
"Oh thank you for your loving concern Brother, you see, I know it sounds silly, but I have been thinking so much lately that there is no real proof that there is a God, this has been really depressing me, but could you point me to some real, testable proof for the existence of god ? the kind of proof that would satisfy an impartial Court of Law for instance ? surely that should not be too difficult ? perhaps you would get back to me on that ?".
You may well hear nothing more, they certainly cannot ask you to express your loyalty to an organization representing a Being you do not believe exists.
If they do, you just return to your question , " if god exists I will examine who could be His organization, but I have to be sure He exists first".
I have it in the back of my mind that the old Elders book said they could not DF simply because you had lost belief in God, I do not know if the new one touches on it at all ???