JWs as willing Human Shields for WT owned Kingdom Halls?

by prologos 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    this might only be a rumor at least 2 stages from source*:

    Bethel speaker at circuit, or one-day do:

    "If asked, you should be ready to form a human chain between a mob and a kingdom hall. That is how fast things (the final attack)??can happen."

    Do not know wether the context was blind obedience, value of KH, priority is to protect WT properties, end is near. but typical of cult end -is- near fear- mongering, us vs them think.

    *passed on with glee to gullible go-betweens that also swallowed the fish vs Jonah, talking snake, pillar of salted lady and other fabulous stories.

  • tiki


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Fear mongering. Most people don't give a damn about JW's or their nutty views. They are just trying to be relevent in today's world and failing miserably

  • subytrek

    I remember when we still had the book study and that we would meet there instead of the Kingdom Halls when we would be under persecution. Now we have to protect the Kingdom Halls?! I would say that's crazy but I'm sure it was probably said.

    "If asked, you should be ready to form a human chain between a mob and a kingdom hall.

    The Outside World is Jealous..

    Of a Windowless Kingdom Hall..

    Filled with Cheaply Made,Uncomfortable Chairs..

    Save the Cheap Chairs!..

    For Jehovah!..

    ........................ photo mutley-ani1.gif ... OUTLAW

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    New rhetoric and predictions will, of necessity, be introduced SOON to replace the now defunct ones. These will be announced at District Conventions and then in publications as "new light" or "new understandings". I am soooooooo looking forward to the DC this year to discover what "new" teachings are going to be spoon-fed to us.

    The Org knows that the Internet is their biggest threat now, so I fully expect that the FDS will direct that anyone found to be looking at "apostate" © websites should be severely dealt with! (Coupled with the warning that you could be sinning against the holy spirit by doing such a thing!)

  • designs

    What?! don't KHs have insurance, let the thing burn down, Wt. gets a big paycheck, that's all they really want anyhow.

  • Splash


    But the KHalls are insured by the Soc!!!

    They certainly don't want to be paying out for rebuilds.

    Wonder if there's a case for claiming personal injury against the Soc if you were harmed in the course of defending a KHall?


  • Heartofaboy

    Risk my life for a pile of pricks?...............er I mean bricks?

  • BluesBrother

    Human shield outside the K Kall ??

    Even in my daft dub days I would say "NO flippin way!"

    Usher the bros inside the building and pray for an angel to strike 'em down...more like.....Or if poss, melt away discreetly and let it go up in smoke

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