Moronic GB Mnemonic
by rubadubdub 8 Replies latest jw friends
Lots of piercing going the big house...
Just wrong on so many levels!
1. Received from active elder's wife who does not know I've jumped the mother ship.
2. Sexual innuendo about the GB from active dub?
3. Was an explanation of how to speak it really necessary?
4. In explaining how to speak it wouldn't it be appropriate to use 'heard' instead of "herd"?
Rip van winkle, I guess you are saying, "there is nothing new under the sun" even in ex-jw land.
I've been trying to make the transition from "lurker" to poster, but that has not gone very well for me here on JWN.
rip van winkle
Rip van winkle, I guess you are saying, "there is nothing new under the sun" even in ex-jw land.
Hey rubdub! No. I was crediting the ~writer~ who wrote that fabulous, witty and simple GB Mnemonic on Sept 10, 2012 !!! and offered the link.
Since when do jw's care who the gb is? I have asked my jw over the years who is on the gb and he could never name one! He explained that jw's are all the same, no hierarchy blah, blah......
With the new Pope thing going on maybe the jw's have heard smart aleck comments like, "well, at least the Catholics know their leaders name"?
I know I bit my tongue more than a few times this past week while my jw soaked up all the Catholic/Vatican news! It was rather ironic to me, here he was eager for news of the Vatican while in the past he made negative comments that I knew so much about the wt! why should I care if I'm not one of them? unless it is to use the information in a negative way? Here he was doing the same thing. I am sure he has forgotten he said those comments to me.
Thanks for clarifying that Rip!
And Carla, "no hierarchy blah, blah....." Exactly! Except I was on the lowest rung of the dub ladder for 30 years after my husband walked away-- sister married to an "unbelieving mate" who was later marked (for swearing and spiking the ball in a very competitive volley ball game at a "get-together") and then viewed as a "mentally diseased apostate" (They never got the goods on him.) I think the only one who might come in at about the same rank would be a single parent sister. Male single parents were given so much support and "encouragement" from the congregation.