James Rhodes sodomised by his PE teacher, ex druggie and locked up against his will in an asylum but look at him now!
I love this guy and one day he will be really famous.
by Amelia Ashton 5 Replies latest social entertainment
rip van winkle
Amelia, he is really great!!! His personality is very endearing and he's FUNNY!!! Thanks for sharing his talent!!!
Wonderful.Very talented pianist. Thanks for sharing. I love Classical music.
Wow... what a talent! Good boy, this is the proof that if you just sincerely WANT and WISH you can overcome personal problems, in doing even better than others!
Regards, Claudia
Darth Rutherford
Love it! Thanks!
... almost speachless here
he made a point...that whatever horrendous or cruel ordeals
we had to bear in the beginning... does not kill the beauty
A momentary glimpse of his eyes ... tells a lot.
Thoroughly enjoyed this .... thank you for posting it.