Influx of apologists?

by zed is dead 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    Hello everyone,

    I have a question. Do you think we are going to have more Jehovah's Witnesses coming on this site to build up their hours in March? It is "Dirty Thirty" month again, with reduced hours for Auxillary Pioneers.

    It will be interesting to see.


  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    The usual suspect is back again me thinks (Recovery) as Change Name. Not certain and cant be bothered to read all the drivel it posts to find out LOL..

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Can they really count time by defending themselves on a forum? I don't use the word 'apologist' because most would not know what that word means. Well, if they come here, they may be like me, who really wanted an answer to something, then couldn't unsee what was seen. A thinking person, even if they are trying to rack up hours, can't help but think when faced with dissident opinions. They can't cope with dissident opinions as they have no practice since such are neutralises with "crimestop'.

  • Satanus


    Many of change names titles and statements are indirect personal slurs. I looked at your thread titles. There is just no comparison between your staight forwardness and his inuendo.


  • Bangalore

    Nananana,Recovery,Still Recovery,Ethos etc were apparently the same person with different names. Possibly ChangeName is also the same person.


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