I've done a little research since leaving the WTS and am having difficulty sorting out what i really believe in. After some studying of different faiths and their doctrines, I find I can relate to the jewish faith....except i DO believe in Jesus. So i found out about this faith called Jews for Jesus.
Anyone here know anything about them? Am a little interested but of course a little scared to venture too far out there.
Familiar with the expression "Out of the frying pan and into the fire?" Look, you probably wouldn't go jumping into a new relationship right after you just got out of an abusive one would you? Don't rush to get involved with one religous group right after leaving another one.
Back down the bullies to the back of the bus Its time for them to be scared of us
http://www.freedomofmind.com/groups/groups.asp If a group is listed here you'll probably want to be pretty careful when dealing with them. Steven Hassan isn't exactly a novice in the area of cults.
Back down the bullies to the back of the bus Its time for them to be scared of us
I have checked out the "Jews for Jesus" here in Kansas City. The experience was sort of like being with Charismatic Christians who were all wishing that they were Jews. But they are not. The Rabbi kept reminding these Gentiles that they were not true Jews. Of course, that didn't stop the Gentiles from pretending.
Except for the Rabbi, there were no natural Jews that believed in Jesus present at the meetings . It really isn't worth the time that you might invest.
If you want to find out more about the Jewish faith, enroll in a course in traditional or reformed Judaism at your local Jewish temple. The lessons are usually free of charge. It is a surprisingly kind and practical religion.
In selecting your next cult, I recommend you first read, "The True Believer," by Eric Hoffer. It's short, to the point, easy to understand, and IMHO vital for your happiness.