Hey, I found this site while bored at work.
I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me.
I was an athiest as long as I could remember. Now I am just confused. I believe in a 'greater power' just not sure which one. I am starting to learn for myself what I believe in. Here is a little background of me so you can help me if you wish:
I started working with a girl when I was 19. We started talking and religion came up. I mentioned I was an athiest and she said she was a JW. It intrieged her that I was one of those fools who say there is no god. We really stared to like each other and I decided i'll look into her religion to see if it was the truth or not. I studied with her friend and also did some studing in the local library. I came across an apostate book a month into my study and wanted to stop. I was convinced by the person I studied with that it was lies, so i continued my studies w/out looking at 'apostate' books. I became baptizes and things were going really good for us. We married in 98' when I was 21 and she was 18. I always had doubts but figured this was the only way we could be together. I figured together with her living a lie was better then being alone. well, It was too much for me about 2 years ago and I told her I didn't want to be a witness anymore. I knew it wasn't the truth. We had a huge fight (non violent) and at the end I caved and said I was stupid to think that just to end the fight. Since then I have been living a lie, detesting every waking moment of meetings and service. I started looking at 'apostate' material for facts and stuff about WTC and have found enough to convince me I need out of this bOrganization (as some deftly put it) soon. none of my family are Witnesses, so I don't care about being disfellowshiped for me. I just love my wife so much I hate huring her, and I know this will really mess up her life. I believe she needs to be a witness, its just the way she is. Her whole family (parents, siblings, grandparents, ect) are witnesses. I couldn't care less if i saw these people again, I would just hate to put her through this.
If anyone has been in this situation, or a similar one and have some advice for me on what to do, please help.