To the Household of God, Israel... and all those that go with them... may you have peace!
In another thread (re: Gerrit Losch), mention is made of the Society's appointing certain men to fulfill the role of 'Nethinim'... 'given ones'... in assisting the GB to supposedly 'shepherd God's people'... and thus, 'render sacred service' in God's 'temple'. For those of you who support such a thing, do YOU know the origin and purpose of Nethinim? No? Well, let me 'enlighten' you, please, if you will permit me:
In ancient Israel, the Nethinim were men CAPTURED IN CONFLICT, the Gibeonites... and made SLAVES to Israel by Joshua. Later, David devoted them to the temple, in the service of the priests. What did such men DO? Intially bring water for the entire assembly of Israel/vast mixed company. Later, they were devoted by David to serve the temple priests by bringing water for the molten sea, and wood for the altar. That's it; that's all. ANYTHING else... would have been sacrilegious (sp?)... and unclean... for ONLY priests could serve in the temple. Even the King Saul found that out.
Ezra 2:43 (see NWT Ref. Bible footnote)
Joshua 9:18-27
Joshua 10:6
Although such men were certainly to be cared for, due to the degree of JAH, could such men even dispense orders given by the priests? Nope. Could they have positions of 'oversight' over Israel? Are you KIDDING?
Okay, so, how the does the Society justify this practice? Simple: by COMPLETELY misrendering what Paul is recorded to have said at Ephesians 4:8:
"Wherefore [it] says... (talking about Psalm 68:18)
'When he (the Christ) ascended on high...
he (the Christ) gave gifts..."
Now the WTBTS has translated this verse to continue on with:
"gave gifts [in] men" or per the footnote, "gifts consisting of men". And they use this to justify appointing "Nethinim" as overseers in God's temple.
1 Corinthians 3:16
Ephesians 2:19-21
However, there is NO substantiation for the latter or this use in either case; rather, the FIRST is in line with the LITERAL translation, which is:
"he gave gifts... TO... the men." (See the footnote, dear ones... or the Greek.)
Now, I ask you, dear ones... after my Lord ascended, what occurred? Was there not the outpouring of holy spirit... which resulted in GIFTS of that spirit, including healing and prophesying, being given TO the men? The Acts of the Apostles record this.
Dear ones, God's 'sheep' have but ONE leader, the Christ. ANY others... are thieves... and plunderers.
Matthew 23:10
John 10:7, 8
And the carrying away of captives is actually a RELEASING of captives, those SOLD into slavery... to sin... and death. When my Lord ascended, he 'carried' WITH him the means for releasing ALL of mankind from such captivity... the 'value' of his perfect blood.
Okay, so what about 'overseers'? Dear ones, the OVERSEERS were men... APPOINTED TO OVERSEE... THE DISTRIBUTION!! What distribution? That to the widows, orphans and poor. You see, all who had came and gave it to the disciples so that even those who did NOT have, could benefit. Eventually, however, a dispute arose wherein the Greek-speaking widows were being overlooked in the distribution. And perhaps they were. In order to ALLEVE this, men with holy spirit, who met certain qualifications (that would make it easier to determine their HONESTY and stability), were appointed... to 'oversee the distribution'.
Acts 4:32-37
Acts 6:1-3
And 'ministerial servants' of which there were men AND women, assisted them with such distribution, including 'ministering' to the sick. The men of these had to fulfill some of the same requirements as the men who oversaw. The women were most probably single, even widowed, so as not to take them away from their household responsibilities. But these were the 'appointed' ones, those who held 'office' (appointment). ANYONE, however, could 'minister' to the holy ones and other faithful ones.
Romans 16:1, 2
1 Timothy 3:1-10
Were any of these appointed (or holding 'office'), as Paul said, as "masters over your FAITH"? NO!! Even Paul SAID: "Not that we are masters over your faith." Rather, they were only to make certain that those in need received food, clothing, hospice, etc., and that the items donated were distributed... FAIRLY AND EQUITABLY! And since there were only seven (7) of them, ministerial servants, including Phoebe, were appointed to ASSIST them. All of these would go about the land taking food, money, clothing, etc. to those in need. That's it; that's all.
The WTBTS would have you believe, though, that you are sheep... [i}WITHOUT[/i] a shepherd, and therefore, need THEM to 'oversee'... your faith! ARE you?! DO you?! Truly!? Or do you not already HAVE a 'Fine Shepherd', one who LOVES you so as to have given HIS life... on your behalf?
John 10:9-15
Tell me, is it HIS voice that you listen to? Or is it the voice... of strangers, those who do not CARE for the sheep, for the sheep... are not THEIRS?
John 10:1-5, 27
May those of you that have ears HEAR what the Spirit says: "ONE... is your Leader." Not nine, not 12, not 13, not 8,700, not 144,000... but ONE.
May the undeserved kindness and mercy of our God and Father, JAH OF ARMIES, and the peace of His Son and Christ, our Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, serve to be upon you... if you so wish it.
Your servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with them, and a slave of Christ,