My Dad and the Queen Mum

by Mulan 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    We got home late today, from an all day outing. I went to check on my parents, to make sure they were all right (they live with us). They were watching Larry King, whose show was about the death of the Queen Mother, so I asked about it. Dad proceeded to tell me that she had died, and that William would now be the King. I said "WHAT???
    What about Queen Elizabeth?" He said she was just the consort, and now it would go to her grandson.

    I looked at my mother, and she just shrugged, and told me it had been a rough day with him. He is in early Alzheimers, and I think it suddenly got worse.

    I went over to him, and reminded him who the Queen Mother was, and that the reigning queen is her daughter........but he laughed, and said "no, you don't understand." And then proceeded to tell it to me all over again. So I just said, "oh......I guess we wait and see what Charles will say." He wondered who Charles is.

    It was funny and sad.........

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • Princess

    oh my! he really seems to be fading. I had no idea he gets so confused like that. I'm glad grandma is there to keep him company and give you some help. Eventually he won't remember that they haven't been married for forty years (or something close to it). It will be a comfort to him.


  • Mulan

    Yeah. Grandma wants a lock on her bedroom door.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • mouthy

    I am so sorry Mulan- to hear of the fading memory of your Dad.It is so difficult to watch those we love lose reality. It is also so hard to look after them, I spent 3 weeks with my Mother who was suffering the same .She lived in England-I in Canada -so I just gave my sister a rest. It was Extremly difficult-She would turn on the gas taps- So we had to remove them- go out in the middle of the night-You will really have to watch him. You will sure need all our prayers, You have mine- God be with you.

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