We all know that for the most part, many of the people on this board would be shunned in the presence of a active Witness. Since this is a form of projecting negative energy, we should be aware of ways to counter these methods and protect ourselves from doubts and self destructive thoughts.
Perhaps you have lived this moment. You step into a store and see a active Witness who has known you for years, they walk towards you and then realize who you are and run away with a hateful stair. How do you respond to this? Do you ignore it? Do you say something?
The fact is, no one can completely ignores something like this. You can't because you are human and you can feel the negative energy they sent to you in their demeanor and it hurt. So what can you do? Well what I love to do is say something positive to disrupt their field.
"Well it was nice seeing you, take care"
"Well I still love you, sorry you don't love me"
"Your looking good these days, sorry we couldn't talk"
Why such nice statements? Well for one thing, when someone sends a negative message to you and you respond with positive it is like throwing their negative back three fold. It hits them harder then it hit you, to hear you say a kind positive word. It's a very powerful tool, as it leaves you walking away feeling like the better human and makes them look very bad to others around.
Now let's say it's family and they are shunning you in a hateful hurtful way. I have seen this more times then I care to remember, and read many examples of this online. When these family members come into the room, take the time to notice them and approach them and give them a hug and say "Great to see you!" Which will catch them off guard and drop their energy defenses, because you entered their field and planted a positive into their defenses. To really disrupted them, close the statement with "So glad you made it" or "Your looking great" and walk off. They will be so disrupted that they will have a hard time building up any negative attacks until you are long gone and out of their realm of fire.
Of course, one of the most positive protections you can make to your energy is your inner self. The part of you that is speaking in your head and telling you what to do, and debating what needs to be done. If this person is saying negative after negative then your field is negative. I know it sounds so cliché, but love yourself and others will be drawn to you ... hate yourself and others will leave you.
Defend yourself and be prepared for shunning, and practice handling it before it happens. You will not have time to think when it does, and you may take the attack without protection. Enjoy this life and let others know you are positive and care about yourself. Consider positive thinking and energy to be your condom when in the presence of negative shunning, so that you do not walk away with any Witness VD.