Freedom of speech can only guarantee an audience of one

by Brokeback Watchtower 7 Replies latest social family

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    In my house I feel that freedom of speech is important but it can only guarantee an audience of one. I know women need to vent and I try to give them as much space as possible without interjecting any judgement on the validity of what is been vented in other words I give space for these events as best I could and try to listen with an open mind because there truely is a message there some where but I admit I'm a dense male to the female of our species. But I tend to shy away from over venting and cringe at being subjected to them and so while a person has the right to free speech in my house they don't have the right to an audience of more than one.
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    "...while a person has the right to free speech in my house they don't have the right to an audience of more than one."

    Maybe I'm dense but I don't quite understanding why an audience of 2 or more is bad from your perspective. Also what kind of subject in their venting makes you cringe?

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I feel that children need to feel free to say what ever is on their mind and not fear their parents anger at what they say and feel but what they say will be looked at with respect for the opinion expressed.

    Of course that type of condition is idea and unsupported by the bible wise sayings of beat your kid if they piss you off and don't follow orders.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    Lets not get too personal here as I don't wish to. Maybe a little reading between the lines might be in order. What I'm saying I guess in a nut shell is too much venting can only guarantee an audience of one and count me out as an attendee.
  • JeffT
    In my opinion, free speech doesn't come with any audience (unless you count talking to yourself). Anybody is free to say anything, and all the rest of us are free to ignore it if we want to.
  • rebel8

    Venting is not related to gender.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    It is a great thing for kids if their parents remember that they will be adults soon and have a right to think however they want to. No matter how much we do for our kids, they still own themselves. Parents don't own kids.

    A kid can't DO whatever he wants to, but he needs to be able to think and practice expressing his opinions and feelings. A parent can say he disagrees without crushing a child's creativity and emotions.

    I don't know why this is so hard to learn. It took me a long time but then everything does, lol!


  • oppostate
    in my house they don't have the right to an audience of more than one.

    "Isn't that special."

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