Obviously, this is a matter of subjective judgement - but that doesn't make it any less important. It's something that has depressed me increasingly since 9/11 happened.
The good part is: I think we just hit a tipping point, a turnaround.
I think Rand Paul's filibuster crystallized a growing counter response to the loss of freedom in the US - and the Western world. In recent newsI note that:
The states are rebelling against the NDAA, marijuana prohibition, local policing authority by federal officials and gun control.
The Attorney General publically admitted that the Big Banks are above the the law. Senator Warren berated a Treasury official by noting that there seemed to be no amount of money laundering crime a bank could commit that would get them arrested.
A Federal court announced limits on seizing laptops at the borders. Israel is troubled by emerging limits on American support. The Vatican is openly in trouble with molestation and financial scandals. The military-industrial complex is in trouble because the F-35 is loaded with problems and vunerabilities.
There is a middle path in life, as Buddha noted - and neither anarchy nor authoritarian rule are desirable. There is hope, after all.