Stories of the bible

by jambon1 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    Seriously, do people really believe that these events actually happened? Or that they are in any way justified oir right?

    • A guy and his small family gather up severy single living animal, bird, insect, puts them in a huge boat which saves mankind & all animal life.
    • At the word of a prophet, a few bears tear apart half a dozen kids for calling a guy a baldy bastard.
    • God killing Davids baby because of his adultery.
    • A guy being carried in teh belly of a big huge fish. And survives.

    I mean, cooooooooome on!

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    I have heared of eight men in Brooklyn. They believe in least, thay claim to believe it.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    We were conditioned (read brainwashed) to believe in it and supress doubts and critical thinking. We were not taught how to think and thus were easily fooled by common logical fallacies like:

    Appeal to authority: Jesus believed in the flood, therefore it happened, because after all he is Gods Son and he above all should know.

  • Phizzy

    Bible Literalists are a dying breed, most believers in the bible these days take a lot of it as allegory and parable, with several layers of meaning.

    The WT still pretends to believe it literally, talking of Noah as a real person and in one of the latest ragmags talking of the "global flood" !!!

    Taking the bible as literally as the WT and other weirdo fundie type sects do is a relatively new thing that started in the late 19th century and was espoused by C.T Russell.

    It started as a reaction to Darwin and to the , mainly German, new biblical scholarship which rightly cast doubt on many aspects of the received texts, and on the original writings, as being very reliable. This caused doubt as to both inerrancy and inspiration, hence the literalist backlash.

    To try to defend the literal meaning and claims of the bible in this 21st century is a nonsense, and often the WT and their ilk show an abysmal ignorance of science, modern scholarship, and even of the bible books themselves and how they were originally intended to be read, and understood and used.

  • cobaltcupcake

    I remember something that was written or in a talk about the Apocrypha. They said that you could tell those books were false because they read like fables or fantastic stories. One day it occurred to me that a lot of the OT reads the same way.

    Jehu and his wet/dry fleece.

    The guy who chopped up his dead concubine into 12 pieces and started a civil war.

    Lot's wife.

    Just about anything any of the judges did, Samson being a notable example.

    Adam and Eve.

    The list goes on. I quickly reminded myself that the bible is inspired of God (because it says it is) and I wiped those disloyal thoughts from my mind. Like a good JW.

  • Lied2NoMore

    Yea the Tower of Babel story is really telling of how insecure god is that these men try to build a tower to the heavens. He should have let them go ahead. Eventually they would have run out of breathable air and froze to death had they built high enough. I must be smarter than him if i know that.

    Why doesn't he step in to stop all the outer space exploration these days. Surely that would be much more of a threat.

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