Negative Watchtower articles

by NeverKnew 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NeverKnew

    Bad news all. I got my head ripped off when I attempted to review the calendar query. He said he didn't want to talk about it. I could hear the annoyance. He then blurted, "Can't you find something positive to talk about!?!" I made a remark about talking to the women in his congregation about these WT meetings and matters, but not me. He used that as leverage to being disappointed in me for bringing that up. I recognize that for what it is... smoke. He has talked about the fear of learning that that which he's always known isn't true.

    He has said in the past that everything around him is depressed. He's been posting and speaking in the last couple of weeks about being positive. Even did a talk about it at the KH last Tuesday. I suspect he's breaking inside but isn't sure about the source. He's trying to keep his head on top of the water where he can see the sun but is starting to go under. Is this where he questions himself with respect to the WT image of God? Is he thinking about praying more? Doing more service?

    I asked him to pile up his last 12 months of Watchtowers and Awakes. Didn't tell him why. I want him to review these article titles with me. I believe this is the source of their sadness and depression and I want to point that out to him. (I mean... have you seen the freaking titles of these articles? Rhetorical question - don't answer.) One person has been absorbing this required reading for over 60 years. She's the one that's the most negative but I see what she's been looking at and can do nothing but pray her. He lives with her.

    What percentage of this required reading do you remember having negative undertones? Death, destruction, lack of patience, lack of love, crime, what God hates, what rules have to be followed in order to gain acceptance - and don't break them or he'll hate you?

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    I have to admit..when I was active JW I didn't read the magazines that much. It was just boring.....the WT-studies are at an intellectual level adapted to high school teens. I never bothered preparing for the WT-studies.

  • wasblind

    The duty of the door to door salesman is to present a problem

    and then sell you a solution to that problem

    1950's salesman : Mornin' ma'm, I noticed from the street you have a dog house in your yard

    do you get tired of steppin' in dog poop ? I have just what you need for that problem.

    It's called the super duper pooper scooper !

    Jehovah's Witness : Hello , My name is sister clueless. Have you seen the news today ?

    I noticed everybody's concerned about crime . I'm here to offer a free Bible study to show you

    the solution for that problem, and if you buy into it, all you have to do is wait on another lifetime

    to see the results



  • Wholly

    Quoted from the October 2012 Watchtower, Corruption-How Widespread Is It?

    “Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. It hurts everyone whose life, livelihood or happiness depends on the integrity of people in a position of authority.”?—TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL

    "Man has dominated man to his injury.”?— ECCLESIASTES 8:9

    The Watchtower likes to use the “human imperfections” excuse to try to retain their self-appointed status as being faithful and discreet. But the excuse just proves that they are merely human beings like everyone else: not “God’s spokesmen on Earth”.

    Luke 12:35-48; Mark 13:37

  • Xanthippe

    Yes it's rather like reading a tabloid newspaper. Sometimes I am early at the hairdressers and I pick up a tabloid newspaper there because there's nothing else to read. After five minutes I want to slash my wrists - the country is going to hell, the world is in a state etc.

    The JWs get this all week at the meetings and in the magazines, no wonder they are depressed about the state of the world.

    Could you be positive about the good things people are doing to make the world a better place, maybe?

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    "Can't you find something positive to talk about!?!"

    He just gave you an excellent opportunity. You should find news stories about great, positive actions committed by "worldly" people. Tell him how national news presents a distorted view of reality for the sake of ratings. National news outlets consider rapes and murders newsworthy, yet very rarely report on the acts of kindness people perform. Explain to him how focusing on negative things in this world and perpetually seeing the cup half empty is not a healthy view to have.

    Then you can explain how the Watchtower commits this same type of fear mongering. He brought up the depression issue, ask him why it seems to be such a problem in the congregations. How many JWs does he know on anti-depressants? The Watchtower message has been always been one of doom and gloom, with the carrot on the stick of a future paradise dangled in front of JWs. They can't help but be affected by all the negativity the Watchtower exposes them to.

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