1. Reinstitute the Book Study groups.
2. Reinstitute food at assemblies and conventions.
3. Reintroduce good quality hardcover books.
4. Bring back the colourful convention programmes.
5. Bring back the announcements section of the Service Meeting.
6. Have more local need talks.
7. Stop being overly prescriptive for public talks and talks at assemblies and conventions.
8. Increase the size of the magazines and start charging for them and all literature again.
9. Make blood transfusions a conscience matter.
10. Encourage congregations to do organised charitable activity in their neighbourhoods.
11. Push family night in addition to the Book Study and suggest actual material to be covered.
12. Increase pioneer hours to 90 and aux pioneers to 60.
13. Appoint more special pioneers so that there are a couple in most congregations and get local congregations to pay for their keep.
14. Reopen branches in all countries where JWs are active.
15. Concentrate more on public relations, emphasizing family values, charitable works, and dropping the blood ban.
16. Encourage members to donate a tenth of their income.
17. Drop the overlapping generations nonsense and acknowledge we don't know when the end will come.
18. Appoint more international brothers to the Governing Body and drop the requirement to be anointed.
19. Introduce an extra prayer meeting and song sessions where Witnesses pray for local brothers and Kingdom Songs.
20. Have more huge internations conventions with hundreds of thousands in attendance like in the 1950s.