Ok, So I was check this out from the Watchtower Study Edition September 2012 page 11 paragraph 14:
14 The Bible points to the time when “as the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing.” (1 Cor. 15:26) Two groups can be mentioned who will come in line to bene?t from that. For the “great crowd,” who live now, it will be possible to survive into the promised new world with unending life in view. For the billions who have already been snatched up by death, it will be possible to experience a resurrection. Can you imagine the joy and excitement when those in the former group welcome back the latter? A close look at some of the resurrection accounts in the Bible can give us a foretaste of what it might be like.- Read Mark 5:38-42; Luke 7:11-17.
On this paragraph they claim that the Great Crowd, living NOW, will survive the big A. So, Millions Now Living Will Never Die Part Deux?