The Delusional Fantasy Projections Of The Watchtower Corporation's Governing Body What Are They?

by frankiespeakin 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    First lets look at the term Psychological projection used as a defense mechanism:


    In psychopathology, projection is an especially commonly used defense mechanism in people with certain personality disorders: 'Patients with paranoid personalities, for example, use projection as a primary defense because it allows them to disavow unpleasant feelings and attribute them to others'. [ 17 ]

    According to Kernberg, all 'the primitive defenses, such as splitting, projection and projective identification, are commonly connected with primitively organized personalities, such as: [ 18 ]

    A clear example is seen in Stephan Letts talk about "Listening to the Voice of Strangers," notice the paranoia, the exaggerations, the distortions of reality in this clip:

    Lots of projections in this talk:

    1. Devil being projected on to the voice of those that disagree with Corporation,2. Satan speaking thru a snake, 3. Those that left the corporation speak Satan's lies, 4. Apostates speak twisted things, 5. Apostate teach half truths, 6. Opposers use conterfiet words motivated by coveteousness, 7. Eating garbage same as listening to the voice of opposers. And I'm sure there is more but that will do.

    Gerrit Losch's projections about the future:

    God what a morbid fellow he is, projecting his fondest wishes onto his corporation's non supporters, talk about being a real sicko he has to be one.

    Gerrit Losch projections of higher education:

    Education is a projected fantasy of brain surgery done with a bullet to cure OCD, weird or what?

    And the list goes on...

  • frankiespeakin

    Let look at the "Universal Sovereignty" issue fantasy projection.

    Insight book volume 2:

    "Jehovah permitted the issue to be joined. Not, however, because he was unsure of the righteousness of his own sovereignty. He needed nothing proved to himself. It was out of love for his intelligent creatures that he allowed time for the testing out of the matter. He permitted men to undergo a test by Satan, before all the universe. And he gave his creatures the privilege of proving the Devil a liar, and of removing the slander not only from God’s name but also from their own. Satan, in his egotistic attitude, was ‘given up to a disapproved mental state.’ In his approach to Eve, he had evidently been contradictory in his own reasoning. (Ro 1:28) For he was charging God with unfair, unrighteous exercise of sovereignty and, at the same time, was evidently counting on God’s fairness: He seemed to think that God would consider Himself obliged to let him live on if he proved his charge concerning the unfaithfulness of God’s creatures."

    What a fantasy this is, it is chuck full of projections. This fantastic projection was made up by the Corporation members to defend their diety Jehovah. Pure fantasy though out not a hint of logic but merley wishfull thinking about the Diety worshipped and an imagined invisible issues respecting his rulership.

    Notice the projections of Satan's mental health are really a defense mechanisim projection their own mental health problems namely lying, egotistical attitudes, slander, contridictory reasonings, projected on to Satan the hook in this case, on which to hang their own projections of evil that emanate from within their own minds.

    I'm sure a good psychologists would have a field day with this stuff and pointing out the strong denials, and projected evil onto supposed enemies.

  • frankiespeakin

    All the Evil inside the Governing Body's psyche is projected to the ouside world, these are shadow projection or traits and quaulities they have that they are repressing and exerting strong denial so as not to recognize their own evil.

    That's why once a person comes out of the delusions inspired by the Governing Body they can then see clearly all the things that the GB say about Satan and apostates really applies to themselves.

  • frankiespeakin

    Let take a look at the parable of the faithful wise servant of matthew 24 now this is truley a fantastic delusional projection that gives the Governing Body authority. They have to twist and distort this parable and turn it into a hidden prophecy in which they project time lines and appointments that are clearly not there unless one shares the same delusional thinking.

    And how about this one in Zech. 8:23:

    This is what the LORD Almighty says: "In those days ten people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, 'Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.'"

    The Governing Body project the corporation into this one.

  • losingit


    thinking about delusion, fantasy, and reality today....


    The Delusional Fantasy Projections Of The Watchtower Corporation's Governing Body What Are They?

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