We have all read the most important books by Ray Franz and half a dozen of the other great books by various authors.....but does anyone know if there is a comprehensive book anywhere on how to escape the cult?
Does Anyone Know: A book for HOW to escape JW's?
by daringhart13 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't know of one, I suppose the books written by ex JW's may include how they did it, but I think most were DF'd.
How do yoy want to leave ? do you mind if you are DA'd or DF'd ? do you wish to achieve a "fade" so that you are still free to talk with JW's ?
Whatever you want to achieve, you can get good advice on here. Ask away.
Such a book as you describe would have a small audience, very few buyers, the WT would probably buy a copy just to see if they could develop ways to counter the methods used.
There was a proposal on another thread to produce a "pack" that folks could download, which is a great idea. An amalgamation of the best ideas from old threads on here would be so useful, and answer many questions for those wishing to escape.
Depends on what your idea of escape is? The easiest way is to stand up in the KH, during a meeting and shout out "Who gives a f*ck - you're all mad!"
Witness My Fury
Combatting Cult Mind Control, which you have likely read....
As regards method of leaving, then that's up to you and your circumstances and what you need to achieve.
It would have to be written by an ex-elder with a lot of experience I guess, and give all the options depending on the circumstances; but it seems like a good idea.
There are some good web pages, though: